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Is there death before life?
I never used it, but Im about to order some by the sounds of it lol.

Im getting some of that kanna too,:)

theyt both sound VERY promising, I'll let you know how it goes:);)


Kava Curious
endwatcher said:
I never used it, but Im about to order some by the sounds of it lol.

Im getting some of that kanna too,:)

theyt both sound VERY promising, I'll let you know how it goes:);)
From reading the reviews of that kanna on amazon it seems to work best when you keep it against your gums. I like learning about new herbs with possible medicinal/recreational uses, I wouldn't mind seeing more discussion of them around here.


I used to grow kanna along with my K@. Me and my old mate would commonly chew a bit with coffee in the morning. It could make any day just 'feel good' by nature. You'll find in lower doses it may be slightly calming or energetic paired with a nice reduction of anxiety. When I would play with higher 'doses' of the bark-tasting succulent, it would become a ~very powerful mood enhancer and perked me up to observe and converse. There were times, because I have a tendency to overdo everything, that I would chew so much that I'm sure I almost killed my two remaining plants (especially since the stems apparently contain most of the major active alkaloid), and would find myself nearly in tears over past negative experiences with friends and family. The urge to heal old wounds was very present.

When I bought some kanna powder from a trusted K@ vendor and friend of mine, the experience was hardly as powerful, I guess nothing beats the real fresh thing, but the familiar effect was still there. I'll stick with my beloved kava until maybe one day when I get a nicer place, I can pick up growing again :)

Lets keep this discussion going, it'd be cool to know how we're making out with other herbs and meds other than kava.


Kava Enthusiast
I was kind of bummed that no one responded to my question, then I found out that there are some great responses, they were just over here. Good thing I was curious what Mulungu was :)

kavalover, that's great info, I'm curious to hear a little more. Would you say your kanna experience similar to kava without a "drunk" effect? Did you decide to stick with kava over kanna simply because it was easier, or do you prefer the effect more?



What was the growing condition that you were in?

Where'd you get the seed?
I actually live in Washington state so it's typically real cold and rainy here in winter and hot and dry in summer, I grew on a tiny balcony greenhouse with heat lamps through winter. as for seeds, I bought cuttings from a fellow herb grower in the UK who is no longer in that kind of business. If you're interested in growing kanna, you can find seeds online from a variety of suppliers, maybe cuttings I don't know. A sandy cactus soil with forest compost is what I grew mine in. They flourished after they adapted over the spring.

kavalover, that's great info, I'm curious to hear a little more. Would
you say your kanna experience similar to kava without a "drunk" effect?
Did you decide to stick with kava over kanna simply because it was
easier, or do you prefer the effect more?
They are similar experiences indeed, but there is are key differences in effect. Kava will offer anxiety relief in the form of euphoria and a nice sense of intoxication. Kanna just elevates the mood in its own special way, you're not 'euphoric' really, at least I wasn't, I just felt kind and energetic. Things are 'nice' without any sense of intoxication.I can't exactly prefer one over the other, as their differences would cause me to use them both for different reasons.. Mind you though, I hardly ever used kanna powder, the experiences I'm reporting are with fresh leaf/stems. The powdered experience may be totally different. I don't know. I saw a conversation on the drug forums with a few people from Africa, they said they had used a 'spray' containing the main alkaloids present in kanna. I would love to try some of that stuff myself. It seems to provide immediate results.

(smiley: smokin)


Kava Enthusiast
I actually tried this a few months back I ordered from worldwideseedsupply ans it came as a powdered bark. From what I gathered by research the best way to buy it is whole nark pieces or shredded bark, as the metablolites break down fairly quickly. It becomes much more expensive and harder to find in shredded bark or pieces form, so I bought powdered. I made a tea that boiled at a low boil with a teaspoon of lemon juice for about and hour and then strained the material out and boils the liquid down to a smaller amount, much the same as K@. The tea was quite tasty, like a very sweet cinnamon. The effect was fairly mild and far less noticable than kava, I found it mixed well with K@ and lagolis inebriens (intoxicating mint). All in all I didn'y feel that it was much of a value and much perfer kava.