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My alarm bells are ringing!


Kava Enthusiast
First off, thank you Deleted User and many others for your truth seeking mission. The discovery of spiked kava has provided serious concern for kava drinkers. When I couple this with my recent experience with the tainted Salmon, I’m beginning to believe the kava supply chain is completely “suspect”. Like Deleted User01, I do not give anyone a “pass” on this since we are speaking of health and well being not just making a dollar. It’s called doing the right thing regardless of what it cost – integrity.

If I do a non-emotional, cost / benefit analysis of my kava drinking it is beginning to slide over into the “not a sound decision” category for me personally. I drink kava for relaxation – period. If it causes me concern, then that brings on anxiety which renders it counter-productive in the long run. In its best form it has some annoying side effects but in its worst……??

Further, it seems that all fingers are pointing in one direction for safe kava – Hawaii. Being a contrarian by nature, I’m not very “directable”! If Hawaiian kava is the only “safe” kava and all the Vanuatu kava that I have been drinking and enjoying is questionable, then I’m definitely out. Maybe, I’m jumping to an unwarranted conclusion, but when I read “Noble” then I substitute the word safe. It’s synonymous, correct?

The internet abounds with misinformation, so thanks to all the “truth seekers” on this forum. Is this an overreaction by me?

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
This is an individual's decision, to be made with anything we choose to participate in. To me the benefits of kava far FAR outweigh the risks involved when you have the information we have here.We want to provide the environment where the casual kava consumer can arrive, find the facts, and then make an informed decision. Key word being "informed". There are many versions of information out there on the internet. It's up to us, and to the user to sift through what is based in science, and what is based in speculation.

Vanuatu absolutely exports safe kava, tons of it. Remember we're dealing with a ridiculously small cross section of kava exported by Vanuatu. Technically we're dealing with 3 major importers of kava here. By no means does this mean that every supply line is tainted. Contact me if you would like a Vanuatu kava that passes all the tests.

As with every decision based on our health, doing the research and making the informed decision will net the best results. Luckily there are kava websites like us to help keep the power in the hand of the consumer.


Kava Enthusiast
Kapm - I think I know what you are going to suggest, but of course I'd like to hear it. btw 99% of my kava information comes from this forum. Kava is important to me but it is a relatively small part of my life. Forgive my ignorance, but I'm unsure how to send you a PM.

Deleted User01

The GHK Vanuatu passed all the tests. But I guess all markers still point to Hawaii. Their Fiji passed the tests too. So if Chris can find good Noble Kava, I would think everyone else can too. Right? Anyway, I'm sure in the last 40 years I have done plenty of damage to my internal system with my love of alcohol and other things. I draw the line right here. I'll take what the noble Kava gives me and I'm not shooting for any other effects except that. The young guys here still have low mileage internals and you still have options, for now. Lebot and Deleted User are still exploring the rambo-fications of what the bad tests mean to our well being. I'm sticking with what the Islanders did for thousands of years 'cause I have no choice.


Kava Enthusiast
Deleted User01 I completely understand where you are coming from. I not only have a few miles on me - I drink kava to improve my like not to harm it. Also, I've purchased most everything that Chris sells and found them all quality. I have no knock on him, but is he the ONLY supplier of "clean" kava serving the USA?

Deleted User01

@2Intense. All I can tell you is that Deleted User is collecting samples wherever he can get them. Hopefully he will find more that are not "blended". The test results are here. I think GKE has one that is considered Noble. And everyone needs to prepare for this, if the farmers get the ultimatum to quit blending Tuday in their product, then the price is going up. I've said this before, you get what you pay for. There are rare exceptions to that rule in this world. Though my wife tells me that when Dillards has 75% off, then that is an exception. :D

I also mentioned this earlier. Chris has told me that he has very smart Wholesaler (when he buys from the outside). The Wholesaler gives the Farmers "top price". In turn the farmers give him, "Unlblended Kava". That Wholesaler has a good relationship with the farmers because he has a reputation for treating them very good when it comes to price. Here again, you get what you pay for. Can the other vendors to this. HELL YES.


Bula To Eternity
This is an individual's decision, to be made with anything we choose to participate in. To me the benefits of kava far FAR outweigh the risks involved when you have the information we have here.We want to provide the environment where the casual kava consumer can arrive, find the facts, and then make an informed decision. Key word being "informed". There are many versions of information out there on the internet. It's up to us, and to the user to sift through what is based in science, and what is based in speculation.

Vanuatu absolutely exports safe kava, tons of it. Remember we're dealing with a ridiculously small cross section of kava exported by Vanuatu. Technically we're dealing with 3 major importers of kava here. By no means does this mean that every supply line is tainted. Contact me if you would like a Vanuatu kava that passes all the tests.

As with every decision based on our health, doing the research and making the informed decision will net the best results. Luckily there are kava websites like us to help keep the power in the hand of the consumer.
+1 Yes what he said!!!


Bula To Eternity
A recent sample of "Lost Island Puariki" from Just Pacific Trading in New Zealand tests noble beyond all doubt, but I'm not sure it is still available. This is just another welcome example of truly noble kava that is not from Hawaii, but so far these are the exceptions.

I need a place to post ongoing results, not sure how we should do this.
Whatever works is great for me. But currently you can post your test results anywhere and as long as your results are in the OP of the thread and tagged with "Test Results" (the prefix of the thread) they will automatically get all collected in The Kavapedia. This was my main goal for it. Also with my last release, there is now a back link to the OP so you review the whole it belongs to.


Kava Enthusiast
Doesn't BKH and Nakamal at Home both operate their own kava bars here in the USA? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't risk their businesses by selling unsafe kava online. I guess if you order kava from Amazon or other unknown sources, then you are taking some risk. But as far as BKH, GHK, or Nakamal at Home is concerned, I feel as safe ordering from them as I do buying some produce at the local market. I guess it's up to everyone to weigh the risks and decide on their own.


Kava Enthusiast
As Roseanne Roseannadanna said, “what are you trying to do make me sick?.....it just goes to show if it’s not one thing it’s another…..NEVERMIND!”

Actually, I’ve made up my mind. 1. I will continue drinking kava since it provides me relaxation and enjoyment. 2. I’m buying from GHK until someone else comes along with the same mission statement of providing truly “Noble” kava. The tainted Solomon was a huge wake up call for me. I’m down with the safe bet.:D