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My anxiety is GONE... along with my smooth skin. :)


Kava Enthusiast
The dry hands alarmed me at first, but that was last year. The rashy-feeling underarms isn't pleasant, but I've been accepting it, and the ashy arm skin, as a happy tradeoff.
Kava did something for me last week it has never done before: Worked for the entire week!
It's generally hit or miss. But even the preparation tends to help ease my anxiety. (Conditioned response situation?)

So I've gotten into a routine where I'm happy with it, accepting that it doesn't always "click". But yesterday I noticed something odd:
The bottom of my feet looks and feels like someone... I don't know how to describe it... superglued clear plastic to them.
It's this weird hard layer, some of which is sorta peeling.

I've been taking a spoonful of coconut oil a few times a week. I'll start taking it daily. But is THAT even enough?

It has allowed me to cut down on my K@ intake drastically, and psychologically that's a great thing - because I hate being dependent (on K@), but being dependent on such low doses is exceedingly better for my mind than where I was previously (20 grams a day).

tldr: I like Kava, but my skin doesn't. Is there anything I can do?

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
The dry hands alarmed me at first, but that was last year. The rashy-feeling underarms isn't pleasant, but I've been accepting it, and the ashy arm skin, as a happy tradeoff.
Kava did something for me last week it has never done before: Worked for the entire week!
It's generally hit or miss. But even the preparation tends to help ease my anxiety. (Conditioned response situation?)

So I've gotten into a routine where I'm happy with it, accepting that it doesn't always "click". But yesterday I noticed something odd:
The bottom of my feet looks and feels like someone... I don't know how to describe it... superglued clear plastic to them.
It's this weird hard layer, some of which is sorta peeling.

I've been taking a spoonful of coconut oil a few times a week. I'll start taking it daily. But is THAT even enough?

It has allowed me to cut down on my K@ intake drastically, and psychologically that's a great thing - because I hate being dependent (on K@), but being dependent on such low doses is exceedingly better for my mind than where I was previously (20 grams a day).

tldr: I like Kava, but my skin doesn't. Is there anything I can do?
I've found showering in the morning, and immediately applying lotion (Vaseline - Aloe Soothe for Arms and Legs, and 1/2 vaseline and 1/2 Gold Bond Healing for chest, feet, and back) afterwards keeps low-level dermapothy at bay pretty much indefinitely. I had the feet issues when I had super bad dermo. I was drinking non-noble kava at the time, so needless to say I haven't had that since going to all nobles. My skin is just generally dry on the regular, so it's not 100% gone, but much much more manageable.


Kava Curious
I find a good vitamin B complex, coconut oil, diet with lots of vegetables, and hydration all help. But ultimately I've found the only thing to really help with dermo is to take kava every other day, rather than every day. It's not optimal for my anxiety, but on my "off days" I take Ashwagandha and Magnolia bark extract to help.


Kava Enthusiast
Thanks for the feedback!
I drink close to a gallon of water a day (not as much because I'm trying to hit 128 ounces, but because I do a lot of physical work and literally crave water all day). I also take a b-complex, but will get better about the coconut oil.

I've tried ashwagandha for a while, but perhaps didn't give it long enough to notice the effects. I know it's an adaptogen, and takes while to become effective. I really don't mind the taste at all, and used to make a "golden milk" of sorts with it + turmeric and black pepper extract.

My gut tells me that taking breaks is the way to go.

I had hoped that switching from Aluball to traditional prep (I notice less coarse fibers) would help, but I still make it pretty strong / muddy.

Thanks, guys!


Kava Lover
Thanks for the feedback!
I drink close to a gallon of water a day (not as much because I'm trying to hit 128 ounces, but because I do a lot of physical work and literally crave water all day). I also take a b-complex, but will get better about the coconut oil.

I've tried ashwagandha for a while, but perhaps didn't give it long enough to notice the effects. I know it's an adaptogen, and takes while to become effective. I really don't mind the taste at all, and used to make a "golden milk" of sorts with it + turmeric and black pepper extract.

My gut tells me that taking breaks is the way to go.

I had hoped that switching from Aluball to traditional prep (I notice less coarse fibers) would help, but I still make it pretty strong / muddy.

Thanks, guys!
In addition, I have stumbled upon some kavas that no matter how much or heavy I drink them don't give me dermo. BKH's nambawan for example is one where I can drink enough to be cross eyed for a week straight and my skin stays smoother than baby's bottom. While at the same time just 2 nights of other kavas kick it into high gear. Obviously your mileage may vary but trying different kavas can make a big difference as well.


Kava Enthusiast
I was enjoying Nambawan there a while back but have not been able to re-order. :/
That stuff works REALLY well for me, as far as the "uplift" feeling. Interesting about the dermo.


Kava Enthusiast
UPDATE: Got 2 LBS of Nambawan (and some Melo Melo). Looking forward to breaking up the daily Loa Waka with this. :)