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Kava Preparation My new prep method


Kava Enthusiast
Sorry if this is exactly like someone else's method, I didn't check to see if it was already posted or anything.

I mostly drink micro (...mostly), but I got some of GHK's Hurricane Blend the other day and I made a batch. I like to use 4 tablespoons per cup of water, but I was left a little underwhelmed using my normal method (blend with hot water and a little lecithin, then knead for awhile).

I got the feeling that water just can't pull all the kavalactones from that much powder all at once. So this time, I put two cups of hot water in my blender with my usual amount of lecithin. Then, I blended that up until it was "dissolved." After that, I added two tablespoons of powder and blended it for around two minutes. I strained the liquid into a bowl with a fine mesh colander (doesn't need to be perfectly strained).

Then, I put the grog back into the blender with two more tablespoons of powder, blended for two minutes, and strained again. I repeated that until I had used all eight tablespoons of kava powder, which I kept in a separate bowl.

After using all eight tablespoons and straining for the last time, I filtered the resulting grog through my regular strainer bag to get all the little makas I missed and squeezed it out. I put that grog aside.

Then, I put all the mostly spent powder back into the blender with just enough hot water to cover it. I blended it again, strained this final bit of liquid through my bag, and kneaded it for a little while.

All the liquid went into the bottle and the powder went into the garbage.

It was the strongest brew I've made so far and I actually used a little more water than I did the first time. For those people that don't mind drinking a lot of liquid or don't use any more than two tablespoons per cup of water, this probably won't help much. But if you like to use a lot of powder per cup, then I think this can definitely increase the strength of your brew.

Again, if this has been posted already, it can be deleted from KF history.