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Mystic Water Kava Bar


Kava Curious
Let us know if you go, that place looks crazy. Interesting that the kava bars in the US are popping up in trendy places like Boca Raton and Hollywood. I also heard about one in the hippy mountain town of Asheville, NC. Maybe we are heading into a golden age of kava in the US?


Hey I might be able to hit that kava bar in September when I go down to L.A. - Looks like a nice atmosphere to enjoy a few shells. Thanks for bringing it up starsofclay

We have a kava bar up here in Portland, Oregon called Bula Kava House, very friendly environment and even though it hasn't been very busy each time I've been there, you can tell that kava is slowly starting to peek its head back into our nervous society. People are becoming interested in this new and unique form of 'getting together', some aren't phased by it and some take it in as their new favorite way to take the crap out of their day. Either way, I love watching that kava induced smile spread across a first timers face :)