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Need help with first experience

Hi -  I'm new to this forum.  Recently I've been looking for alternatives to alcohol as I don't like the effects and especially the hang-over I get the next morning.  I stumbled upon Kava and decided to place an order.  I just received my 1/2lb of powered root from the Kava Farm in Hawaii.
The instructions on the back were quite lame and simply said to just mix two tablespoons into milk, or juice and then strain multiple times through a strainer and then a cheesecloth.
Tonight I did just that and drank the stuff down in three gulps.  My throat became a bit tingly but not numb as I read it usually does.  I did not really experience any pleasant effects.  Only thing I felt was facial flushing and a mild headache.
I've read about reverse tolerance.  Could this be the issue I'm having or is my mixing method not right?
I did a lot of research before I ordered and this place seemed to have the best reviews along with the "most potent Kava" out there.  
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Sounds like you've identified your problem at the start. Yes, most people will experience a stubborn reverse tolerance. What brand did you purchase? As long as it's not kona, then you should be fine with feeding your system with kavalactones until your levels are high enough. Also sometimes it's easy to miss the effects of kava if you're looking too hard, or if you've got too much going on. Drink your kava, then put on a movie or read. Do this daily. After a few weeks you'll feel it and then you can enjoy the effect of using less, and getting much more of an effect.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I don't advise starting with dry root. My first experiences were with spray-dried kava juice. I would recommend Fire Island, Kwik Kava (I believe this is the same product, based on how the Vanuatu producer of this product described itself), or Vanuatu Kava Store's instant (which is NOT the same product - much nastier).

The reason for my recommendation is that it takes out the guesswork. One teaspoon, one half cup of water. With powder, there's the question of not only ratio, but also, "Did I kneed it enough? Should I have put it through a blender? Is it strained well enough? etc.? etc?"

One 150g tin of a good daily quality drinking kava was enough for me to drop my reverse tolerance, although I was overdosing on tincture and pills while waiting for it to come in, due to the intensity of my PTSD at the time. You might want to try two tins, perhaps.

Once you know what the effect of a shell should be, based on your experiences with the dehydrated kava juice, then go back to mixing dry roots.

I hope this helps.
Prince Philip said:
I don't advise starting with dry root. My first experiences were with spray-dried kava juice. I would recommend Fire Island, Kwik Kava (I believe this is the same product, based on how the Vanuatu producer of this product described itself), or Vanuatu Kava Store's instant (which is NOT the same product - much nastier).

The reason for my recommendation is that it takes out the guesswork. One teaspoon, one half cup of water. With powder, there's the question of not only ratio, but also, "Did I kneed it enough? Should I have put it through a blender? Is it strained well enough? etc.? etc?"

One 150g tin of a good daily quality drinking kava was enough for me to drop my reverse tolerance, although I was overdosing on tincture and pills while waiting for it to come in, due to the intensity of my PTSD at the time. You might want to try two tins, perhaps.

Once you know what the effect of a shell should be, based on your experiences with the dehydrated kava juice, then go back to mixing dry roots.

I hope this helps.
Thanks Prince Phillip.  I'll give your recommedations a try and order some dehydrated Kava Juice.  I'm going to stay persistant and keep going till I feel the effects.  I've read 1 in 5 people are immune to Kava's effects.  Would be my luck I would be that 1 guy. LOL.  Hopefully not though.  Thanks again!
Kapmcrunk said:
Sounds like you've identified your problem at the start. Yes, most people will experience a stubborn reverse tolerance. What brand did you purchase? As long as it's not kona, then you should be fine with feeding your system with kavalactones until your levels are high enough. Also sometimes it's easy to miss the effects of kava if you're looking too hard, or if you've got too much going on. Drink your kava, then put on a movie or read. Do this daily. After a few weeks you'll feel it and then you can enjoy the effect of using less, and getting much more of an effect.
Thanks for the tips Prince Phillip.  Actually, yes, I ordered from KonaKavaFarm.com as it was the first hit on Google when I searched and seemed to have the best reviews.  Is this place known for bad Kava?  I have to say the shipping speed was impressive but yeah...no effects the first time.  I will try putting on a movie and kicking back next time I try it.  When you say it's possible you can miss the effects if  "you got too much going on."  Are you saying physically or mentally?  The reason I'm looking into Kava is to help with some anxiety issues I'm currently going through with a recent breakup a girlfriend.  I don't have much physically activity but lots of stuff is turning up inside my head.  I'm hoping Kava can be the cure so I don't have to turn to Lexapro or other related RX medication.  Thanks for the tips!   Greatly appreciated!

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Yep, kona is trash. I can't speak for everyone here but the overall consensus is that kona is all bark, no bite. It seems they spend all their capital in advertising and not increasing the quality of their product. Definitely go with Sir Phillips advice on the nakamalathome.com instant. Shaman is mighty powerful stuff. After that head over to paradisekava.com and pick up some extract. You may end up being sensitive to kava and feel it right off. It will help with anxiety but be sure to remember that kava is well known for leaving what it essentially "You" in tact. It won't solve problems for you in the sense that people seek drugs or drink alcohol for. I'm thankful that it doesn't because you won't begin to NEED it for any future problems. It murders anxiety and leaves you extremely relaxed physically as well as mentally. It will help you.

Too much going on means drinking kava then going to the grocery store or cleaning the house. As long as you're sitting still you'll be in a perfect place to appreciate the effects of kava.

uuku pi

Kava Enthusiast
Kona did not work for me either. I built up my reverse tolerance with the candy and extracts from Paradise. If u buy the candy direct from Kava Kava candy,you can get a discount. I wish I had known about the drinks (instant) before i got Kona Kava. I made it really strong and got a major headache. It (kava) has been helpful to me. It has given me a shield against emotional issues. as well some major stress with money issues. Good luck to you,it has helped me a lot.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I've never used Kona kava.

The major problem is that they sell gimmicky crap. Kavalactone paste, "kavaLOVEtones," etc.

As far as I know, their powdered root is OK. But, if Kapmcrunk is not being metaphorical, you'll have a problem. You want kava roots with (literally) no bark. Bark is bad.

As far as cultivars go, their brand is the highest kavalactone content of all the Hawaiian cultivars, if I remember correctly. However, you might be better off with Paradise kava's cultivars, which are royal grade kava. I mean this because, back when being the Duke of Edinburgh actually meant something instead of being a constitutional "big whoop," only royalty like me could drink the darker colored roots, like Hiwa.

From a traditional Hawiian paen about kava, describing quite accurately it's intelligence-increasing effects

The day of revealing shall see what it sees:

A seeing of facts, a sifting of rumors

An insight won by black sacred 'awa,

A vision like that of a god!