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Need Some First Time Help Please


Hi, This is my first time on the forum and I need some advice. I have never had kava before but I have been researching it for a couple of weeks (talk about information overload). Before buying any kava I wold like to try to answer several questions I have. Hopefully some of you kava veterans can help me out. For a first experience would you guys suggest an instant such as fire island or powdered root.? If powdered root, which kind?  It's my understanding that as far as the powdered root goes,  2 or 3 tablespoons is a good amount for the first time,what does everyone think? Also, I realize every ones body chemistry is different and people can be affected differently, but do most people seem to agree that it takes several times to fully experience kavas effects. Just trying to be informed  as possible. Thanks


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I would suggest trying a good quality powdered root first. Instants aren't bad, in fact they are very nice to keep around. But powdered root will give you a better view of what kava is and if you like it or not.

2-3 tablespoons is good. I personally use 2 most of the time.

Generally it (supposedly) takes a few sessions to really feel something but I've had several friends feel good the first time. It just depends.

There are some pretty potent and heavy handed kava varieties out there. I'd suggest a Fiji, Tongan or Hawaiian Kava variety for your first one. A Vanuatu would be ok but they have a rather pungent smell and taste for first timers. You can get around this by making your kava with some coconut juice.

Make sure you do your homework on how to prepare powdered root. It makes quite a bit of difference.


Kava Curious
First time I tried to make kava I had no idea what I was doing so the results were disappointing. Then I tried the recipe on the Nakamal at Home website with much better results.

The proper environment can also be helpful for "sensing" any effects kava is having on you. Too much noise and light tends to disrupt the flow. At least that was my experience.


Kava Curious
I would say using about 2-3 tlb's per cup of water with 1 tsp of soy lecitin for the ratios works universally well..... As far as the actually prep goes with the root, I've actually had better results NOT BLENDING and simply letting the stuff sit and soak for the better part of the day before straining. The key is to really knead the root until it thoroughly drained.

As far as varieties go, Mahekula Magic, Black Sand, and Kona Kava Farms most modestly priced root were my starters.... I actually stuck with them for quite a while before I ventured into the realm of stronger Vanatau types sold at Nakamal at Home.

Lastly I have to second Lanake's mention of how crucial your environment and frame of mind is to the experience. I religiously turn the lights low and meditate for about 15 minutes or so as soon as I swallow a shell for the evening.... Why? Because I've completly negated even potent Kavas by simply still being stuck within the chaos of the day mentally and emotionally.... Lights, noises, the wrong company, et cetera... can and will totally ruin the potential of this medicine..... Quite interesting really, that is, how potent Kava can prove given the right variables or how negligable it can be subject to more ill-favorred circumstance.

NOTE: I know I spelled some "Kava terms" wrong in this post.... please don't hold it against me :)


Thanks guys for all your input/help. Just thought of another question. I have read where some people use coconut water. Anybody tried it?. What are your thoughts on this?  All coconut water or just part?


Kava Enthusiast
I would just use regular water and make your batch a little stronger vs the water ratio, then splash in a half cup or cup of coconut milk/water afterwards. I have a bad feeling milk in a strainer bag would make it smell really bad no matter how much you rinse it? I dont know maybe im wrong.


Kava Curious
I just use water and soy lecithin (spelling...?).... but I have found success using a splash of Almond milk which contains soy lecithin.... The concept is simply that the fat helps to really sponge up the Kavalactones from the root and I've definately found this to be true...... I don't know if I would go about trying with your typical dairy milk though.... seems counter-intuitive to me for some reason....

The thing is, all you need is a dash of the milk/lecithin. Trying to use straight milk leads to a slimy experience....

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
You really can't go wrong with Fire Island. I recommend an instant kava because it takes the guess work and mess work out of trying it. You can then calibrate your experience with root powders based on your experience with the instants, and then based on your personal tastes.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
willow said:
Thanks guys for all your input/help. Just thought of another question. I have read where some people use coconut water. Anybody tried it?. What are your thoughts on this?  All coconut water or just part?
It goes well with some types of kava...really bad with others. It tastes great with Solomon Island...not so great with Tongan (from Nakamal at Home)

I keep a case of it around, it's good to have if you want a change.


Kava Enthusiast
apple juice + instant kava is good.

water + regular kava root is good.

I did't like milk or coconut water mixed with my kava. I haven't tried coconut milk yet.


I think for Kava the Milk would be the good choice since it has fat in it. Coconut water has 0 fat, so the only advantage over regular water is the taste. (If you even like it)