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New Blood!


Hello everyone, just wanted to say hey!  I'm new to the kava world and community.  Kinda been lurking the forums to get an understanding and make my first experience easier.  Just ordered and received my first helping of kava.  I have some Isa/Tudei, Tongan Pride, Stone, and WOW.  Just made a batch of the WOW and took my first shell of that.  Hopefully I don't have too much reverse tollerance, lol.  CHEERS


Kava Enthusiast

I have only tried Stone out of those, but it's one of my favs. Looking forward to your reports back on how it goes.


Welcome to the forums

Take off your shoes though, Prince Philip just vacuumed the rugs.

Wow! is good. I've been drinking the Isa/Tudei from rex lately, wonderful stuff. Smell it, though, and tell me it doesn't smell like chocolate cocoa mix. lol


Thanks guys, so far so good I guess. I think I do have quite a bit of the reverse tolerance built up but I want to take the time to rid myself of that. My shells were about 6oz I'm guessing. I Had about 4 shells of WOW and then 4 shells of Stone in a two hour period. Towards the end the taste started getting to me a little bit, but it wasn't too bad.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Embrace the reverse tolerance. It is your alley my young apprentice.

Isa...good pain killer.


Kava Enthusiast
Welcome, the reverse tolerance sucks balls. It's like you feel something and it's just not worth the effort but then one night you get krunk and a smile forms and your like, aaahhh shit, is this legal? My first real krunk I was talking so much and not moving I felt like jabba the hut, just goopy and euphoric. I can get that pretty much everynight now, I don't though but It's well worth the initial suck.

Don't drink too much during the reverse tolerance phase, I don't find it gets you there faster it just eats up your stock.