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Kava Enthusiast
Greetings all, I'm really glad I found this place.  A little history on me.  I found kava during Christmas on the Big Island in Hawaii.  I actully read about kava bars but never check out out while I was there and really wish I had.  I did get some kava root powder at a farmers market and some 30% kava solution in grape seed juice which tastes nastier than the root by far.  I still have that junk-it gives me weird (in a not good way) dreams so I'll most likely end up tossing it.  I also got some instant from Realkava and like the taste but not the price.  The feel from the instant is good but I think I like the root powder buzz better.

Kavas i have tried are the Vanuatu and Fiji powder from Realkava.  I like the Vanuatu pretty good and the Fiji OK.  After finding this place I ordered some FU'U and Melo Melo for BKH.  I really like the FU'U but it is so fine that I can't even work it in my silk strainer bag.  About 90% goes right thru the bag.  On the other side of the spectrum the Melo Melo is pretty course ground compared to the Vanuatu from Realkava.

Before I got the strainer bag I used to just mix the powder in water and drink the whole thing.  i was curious to see if anyone did this and if so if there was any problem with it.  It seems to me that drinking the root (not strained) seems to leave me with a bit more of a "hangover" the next morning vs. straining it.

Any insight on straining vs. not straining and FU'u not being strainable at all would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to all and Bula-I'll be tipping some back this evening-as I do every evening!!

Thanks, Ben


Welcome to the forums Ben, good to have you. Never drank the powder without straining myself, but I've drank some pretty poorly strained kava where my teeth were gritty after chugging shells. That definitely left me with more of a hangover than a better strained prep did. As for Fu'u I'm in the same boat as you, Judd recommended I use a muslin bag because of the consistency, I'd imagine that would work. You can find them very cheap online and if 'm not mistaken I think he sells them on his Bula Kava House site. Personally what I do for the Fu'u is buy a few pantyhose, wrap the Fu'u in a tight, very tight, ball and tie it as securely as you can, then place that in your usual strainer bag. I use a fijan strainer bag. This works well, but still, the grind is almost like an instant kava and is much harder to work with than a coarser grind. But on the bright side, you don't have to knead and squeeze as much eh? hehe.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Hey there, Carolina. I own BKH so let me tell you a bit about preparing the Fu'u. Fairly tightly woven strainers work best if you will be straining. Muslin bags work well and yes we sell them online. And I like Kavalover's panty hose option. Our Fu'u supplier said that he prefers this grind because it gives you the option to add a couple tablespoons to a bit of water and drink without straining. If you choose this option it is best to drink quickly before the particulate settles. Personally, I like to strain at least some of the solids out because it tends to be a bit easier on the stomach.

Hope that helps. However you choose to make your kava, enjoy. We pride ourselves in providing the best kava available at the best prices. Let me know if I can help you further.


Kava Enthusiast
Judd, don't get me wrong it is tasty and good kava-I've just never experienced anything like it in my limited usage.  BTW-the super fast shipping was much appreciated.  I mixed some of the FU'U and the Melo Melo today and that turned out pretty darn good.