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New Kava store Vanuatu Kava Bar North Carolina


Kava Enthusiast
Hey guys, I just ordered from a new place (at least new to me) from NC called vanuatukavabar.comIt looks legit, I just talked to a nice lady over the phone who seemed very knowledgeable.They have a few strains I've never heard of beforeI just ordered 2 bags, i'll post a review once i get them.I told her about this forum and she seemed interested
Interesting that shipping cost was included in the price (for the US at least)


Sweet, can't wait to hear your review. I might get a bag or two when I need another kava run. They're on the other side of the continent which is kind of a bummer, since I usually go through BKH which is literally 2 hours away from me lol but I'd love to support any new kava vendor


Kava Enthusiast
On second look it looks like they might be a reseller of Vanuatu kava store. Which would still be good because the prices are cheaper and it's shipping free from the US.

I've never tried Vanuatu kava store before, so still excited to get it.

There is one listed as 100% lateral roots on the new site that I don't see listed on the bar site