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New Kava User Having Difficulties


Hey guys,
Before I found this site I ordered Vanuatu Isa/Tudei Kava from Kava By Rex. I have been drinking kava for the past 5 nights and still don't feel any effects, except for being slightly tired. I am not sure if the reverse tolerance is still in effect, but I was wondering if you guys can tell me if I am doing anything wrong. I started out using 2 table spoons for every 8 oz and the last two nights I have been using 4 table spoons. I add a bit of coconut milk and then put the root into a nylon strainer and handpress it in the water for about 5-10 minutes. I usually down half a cup quickly and then have a couple more half cups every 10-15 minutes. The only thing I did wrong the first couple of nights was drink right after I had a meal, however, the last 2 nights I drank it 3 hours after eating. Last night I had about 6-7 half cups, while feeling slightly tired and without any signs of nausea or any negative side effects. I was thinking about maybe ordering a stronger kava from N@H, but they don't ship to Canadian residents. I am sure it's not the kava because everyone speaks highly of Kava By Rex's products. If anyone has suggestions it would be appreciated, thanks!


You're doing everything right, 2 tbsp is pretty reasonable per cup and 6 - 7 half cups is a pretty large dose for a newbie. I'm surprised you didn't feel anything. Although it has only been five days, and I've personally observed the kava reverse tolerance lasting rock hard for up to two and a half weeks in some people. Don't give up hope yet, and definitely don't over anticipate the effects of kava, they will likely be very subtle at first, even with the highest praised kavas. Give it time, "pay your dues" and hopefully you'll start feeling what we've all come to love. ;)

The only recommendations I have are using soy lecithin (which I personally don't benefit much from, but some do) if you're not allergic to soy and snacking on mangoes or pineapple while drinking your kava. Helps absorption, for me anyway.

Best of luck to ya


Thanks for the response guys! It's been about 5 hours since I've ate, so I'm going to give it another try tonight. I'm really not expecting anything to intense, just the relaxing euphoria, mood enhancement and mental clarity everyone talks about. I also ordered Kava By Rex's Vanuatu 3 Limited, so maybe that might just do the trick.


Kava Enthusiast
another problem with the tudei is that its a creeper, so you may be going to bed before the effects come on and then they go away before you wake up. i think i may be right about that but if im wrong someone correct me.


Kava Curious
if you don't exercise daily, wait at least 6 hours after eating.

if you do exercise, daily, then you might be safe if you wait only 3-4 hours.

also, mangoes apparently potentiate kava. snacking on a small amount of those after drinking at least 2-3 cups (30-45 minute into your sess) might help you out.

keep drinking kava, about 4 cups a night. you'll feel it soon - don't worry =D

i don't recommend using the van3 until you start feeling the isa though.

the van3 is really something special and you will want to feel it fully.


Yeah I usually eat at 6, workout until 9 and then drink it around 10. I've been going to bed at around 1, so thats a good 3 hours for me to feel the effects. I even tried it right when I woke up, before eating anything and still felt minimal effects. I'm going to keep trying and messing around with different methods, thanks though!


Kava Enthusiast
I would try moving on to something a bit more immediate like Fiji Waka. Like i said, i think the tudei is a creeper, and you may have already killed the buzz so to speak if you are just sitting around waiting to feel something and you start to get discouraged. Fiji waka from kava by rex has never let me down :). I would put the tudei back on the shelf until you are a bit more experienced and know what effects to look for.

discouragment can be a huge buzz kill :(

also, you said you are handpressing it. make sure you are squeezing the hell out of it.