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New Kavasseur here, some questions on prep.

Hey guys, I am a 25 yr old male from the west coast of the USA,very experienced with a wide variety of botanicals and supplements. I just ordered a pound of Fiji1 from KBR, and have a few questions on prep. I was wondering if any of you have tried the following method I was thinking of using.

As opposed to the traditional squeezing and filtering method using a filter bag, I was planning on dumping 3 tablespoons into my Magic Bullet with a half cup of milk and half a cup of very Hot water, followed with a tablespoon of Olive oil for the fat absorption, and drinking the resulting Kava shake without filtering out any particulate matter. A person on another forum just ingests the ground root powder in a similar method and seems to think it works just fine. Anybody tried this as well as the traditional filter bag method? I also do not have any Lechithin and was going to use olive oil for that purpose. Sorry for the noob questions,and thank in advance for any help. Namaste.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I'd be careful with eating ground kava root powder. Humans don't have the necessary enzymes to break down and digest wood fiber. Some kava is ground rather course and I'd be really concerned about an intestinal blockage.

As for very hot water, I've read some things that say hot water will ruin kava and I've read others that it doesn't. I've even read tid bits that go so far as to say hot water actually makes kava more potent. I don't know if that is true or not but I see no reason to use hot water. They haven't for the past 3000 years. If it's ain't broke don't fix it.

Kavalactones are not water soluble and the purpose of the squeezing and kneading is to extract as much of it as we can. When you squeeze out some Kava you're going to get some particulate matter in there anyways unless you use an extremely fine strainer bag.(or two)

In my opinion using milk and olive oil isn't worth the trouble. Coconut milk has everything you seem top be looking for conveniently in one package with a sweet bonus. If that's what you got though then give it a shot and tell us how it works.

There are a few of us that don't add anything. We just use water. Run with what ya got though, let us know.


Kava Enthusiast
unless it's micronized, don't eat it. I don't know about blockage, but damn the urge the purge is strong and the next day it acts as a laxative, well for me it does.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Yeah what rcoz said.

You'll get some kava "dust" in your brew when you squeeze it out and that's fine. Just don't go drinking a kava root-chip shake.
haha I will give it a go and see whats what. I am used to swallowing large amount of plant powder from past indulgences with other botanicals, but if this first trial does not work out I will get a strainer. that is ALL dependent on how big the particulate matter in the end product actually ends up being. If I look in the shake and see alot of grungy nasty grit, straining will be a must.
after more research, I am just gonna add the nylon stocking filter. I snagged a few. Sorry for being a hard head but thats me. My order shipped out today so I hope to have some wonderful Kava Krunkess introduced into my worldview in a few days. I will probably be babbling on here like an idiot about how great the stuff is if my past experiences with trying a new efffective botanical/supplement for the first time ring true here haha. Thanks again guys. No intestinal blockage for me! although I am going to include the milk and a bit of olive oil just to be 100% certain I am doing it right the first time. Namaste gentleman.

EDIT: approximately how many shells can I expect to get per pound? I know thats a wide variable I am just trying to figure out the approximate amount of times I am going to be able to feel the krunk from one pound of good stuff.


Kava Enthusiast
others will say I'm using too much kava, but for KavaByRex, I mix 1 cup root to 6 cups water 1-2TBS of oil (12 4oz shells). For other vendors, it's been 1 cup root to 3 cups water.

If I remember right, a 1lb bag from kbr is good for 4-5 sessions
Okay. Game time. I put 1/3 cup coconut milk, 3 relatively flat tablespoons of KBR Fiji1 (was hard to get a perfect flat tablespoon cuz the powder was so clumpy) and probably a cup and a half of tap water in the biggest cup I had for my MAgic Bullet (something like 16 ounces or so) and blended all that up. I then stretched a thigh high nylon stocking over the top, poured the resulting gloop into my biggest coffee cup, and added just a bit of water to get the residue out of the Bullet. The Kava is now soaking in its own yummy juices. I must admit the smell took me back, I was expecting it to smell alot worse, but it was actually kind of cakey, sweet and pleasant. Much better smelling than other nasty plant powders I have choked down in the name of science lol.... I am gonna shower and let that puppy soak until my stomach empties out a bit as I had a big meal 2 hours ago. and then itll be "here goes nothing" :)
Hmmm. Intriguing! I do believe I am feeling something nice. I had a bit of time to prep and gain a tiny bit of reverse tolerance last night by taking some supposedly very strong 80% Kavalactone extract caps I got as a sample from another vendor. Those got me pretty nice feeling, but I am about 3/4ths done with this first batch I made of 3 tbs Kava, and I do feel pretty great. Gonna do up one more batch for tonight and then call it a day on that. Thank you all so much for your help and advice, I think I have this down pat. The preparation makes this a very fun hobby.
I believe I have effectively gained the reverse tolerance and improved my method. I made a big batch tonight, same amount of kava as I used last night in two separate batches of 3tbs each, so I used 6tbs of kava,1/3rd cup of coconut milk, and quite a bit of water, probably 6-8 cups. It was just as mouth numbing and strong tasting as last nights batches,I really worked that pantyhose baby! I had two small cups to start with and actually got too messed up at first, the high kavain content gave me a mild anxiety/paranoia reaction, but I am mastering that now and have had 3 more small cups throughout the night. gave my friend who is drinking kava tonight for the first time 3 cups as well as 3 capsules of the excellent extract I have. I am starting to really like kava, I think I even prefer it to other things I thought it could not possibly be better than. I get a true nice mild euphoria and relaxation from it, have not really felt drunk yet, it feels more similar to a kind of relaxed stimulant high but totally chilled out. I am feeling a bit jelly-ish right now however! I will try making a batch with only 4tbs for tommorow nights experiment :)