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New Moderator Elections

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
We need a new moderator here at the Kava Lounge to take care of things while I'm gone (which has been pretty much the whole time anyways (smiley: tongue))
But now I'm going to Ethiopia for seven months and only John Frum knows how often I'll have internet access over there.
So let's throw out some nominations so we can make a poll and have an election.
The new head moderator will have full Admin privileges.


Kava Enthusiast
I think most of the people on the forum would do a good job of it, but Prince Phillip would be the best choice in my opinion. He has the whole thing down, lol.

There are other people that would make excellent mods as well, particularly some of the vendors. But I thnk that would to some extent be a conflict of interest.


Kava Curious
Ha ha the poor guy hasn't even put his name forward and he's already a safe bet!! I also reckon Prince Philip would do a great job.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I also nominate Philip for the position. He has been a friend of mine for almost four years now and has an unwavering love for Kava and people who love Kava. If he will accept this nomination then he will be the first person on the poll and will definitely get my vote. Any other votes?


Kava Enthusiast
I nominate Prince Phillip's wife. She has more experience with this kind of thing.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu

I'm barely keeping it together as it is between holding down a 40+ hour job, trying to find another, having a "permanent engagement" with a woman the next metropolis over, trying to keep my crappy apartment clean, and trying to learn the Java programming language.

While flattering, the nomination is a sign I'm spending way too much time on here. In fact, I'm considering bailing because of the script errors causing serious performance issues on my computer. I need to either manually configure my firewall to deny anything in or out from adnxs, or maybe even buy ad blocker. I understand Yuku is advertiser supported, but this is ridiculous.

While I'm glad everyone knows me as me, I am trying to find another job, so stop outing me! Every time I do a search for Prince Philip and Kava, it points to this board. I don't want to have the stigma of a drug addict stopping job offers, especially as the "Prince Philip" exaggerates his kava drinking for comedic effect. I'm glad that the topic did come up, because I feel inappropriate guilt/dread over the death of Jacintha Saldanha. For anyone unfamiliar with her story, she was a person very much like myself - an overworked and overtrusting individual who patched through a call from an Australian Wacky Morning DJ who pretended to be Kate Middleton's Grandmother-in-Law, Elizabeth II. Impersonating celebrities should be a fun thing. It shouldn't end in tragedy. "Prince Philip" gives me a chance to say ridiculous things and make outrageous claims.

Being a moderator sounds like work. If you want to give me elevated privileges, I'll delete the spammers, (unless we decide to make fun of them instead). I've yet to see a real honest-to-Frum fight on here. I generally only come on the boards when I've had a shell, and I don't actually have a working computer at my residence in Indiana, so I might not see everything in a timely manner.

I guess I'd be more afraid of a moderator who actually wanted the job.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Prince is the man!  As a vendor - I vote for no vendors - just adds potential complications that the forum does not need :)


Kava Enthusiast
Prince Philip wrote:Ugh!

I'm barely keeping it together as it is between holding down a 40+ hour job, trying to find another, having a "permanent engagement" with a woman the next metropolis over, trying to keep my crappy apartment clean, and trying to learn the Java programming language.

While flattering, the nomination is a sign I'm spending way too much time on here. In fact, I'm considering bailing because of the script errors causing serious performance issues on my computer. I need to either manually configure my firewall to deny anything in or out from adnxs, or maybe even buy ad blocker. I understand Yuku is advertiser supported, but this is ridiculous.

While I'm glad everyone knows me as me, I am trying to find another job, so stop outing me! Every time I do a search for Prince Philip and Kava, it points to this board. I don't want to have the stigma of a drug addict stopping job offers, especially as the "Prince Philip" exaggerates his kava drinking for comedic effect. I'm glad that the topic did come up, because I feel inappropriate guilt/dread over the death of Jacintha Saldanha. For anyone unfamiliar with her story, she was a person very much like myself - an overworked and overtrusting individual who patched through a call from an Australian Wacky Morning DJ who pretended to be Kate Middleton's Grandmother-in-Law, Elizabeth II. Impersonating celebrities should be a fun thing. It shouldn't end in tragedy. "Prince Philip" gives me a chance to say ridiculous things and make outrageous claims.

Being a moderator sounds like work. If you want to give me elevated privileges, I'll delete the spammers, (unless we decide to make fun of them instead). I've yet to see a real honest-to-Frum fight on here. I generally only come on the boards when I've had a shell, and I don't actually have a working computer at my residence in Indiana, so I might not see everything in a timely manner.

I guess I'd be more afraid of a moderator who actually wanted the job.
   Sometimes less modding is best. That way we can make fun of spammers and know with confidence they will eventually be deleted. Plus you are the most insane person on this board and therefore should be in charge.


Kava Enthusiast
I don't think Prince Philip should be a moderator since he clearly knows nothing of moderation.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Some men are born moderate. Some men achieve moderation. Some men have moderation thrust upon them!

I will consult with Peter the Moderate, Alexander the So So, Cathrene the OK, and Ivan the Not Terribly Nice to learn their secrets of moderation.

Sent from my DROID4 using Yuku app

uuku pi

Kava Enthusiast
Prince,a great leader is a man who helps others of like mind know they are of like mind. You are such a man. Of course I just took the AQ test and scored a 36. You have my vote:)

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I do want to let everyone know I am susceptible to bribery.

I want to thank Steve for re-routing my grandmother's Golden Box when she moved without telling me.

I want to thank Adil Ghiasi and the crew the crew at Paradise Kava for the artwork (I still have it all), the Creamed Coconut and Hawaiian Honey sample, the extra turtle, the bookmark (I keep it in "Kava, the Pacific Elixir), and the extra kava candy.

I want to thank John Bowman and the crew of Nakamal@Home for the shirt and the strainer material.

I want to thank Rex of Kava By Rex for the bracelet. (I understand everyone gets them, but it's still cool, even if mine broke right away).

I want to thank Kava King for giving me a sports bottle, a mouse pad, and several samples of their new product line.

I want to thank Kule'a Farm Kava Co for a free strainer when the forgot to send me a shell holder along with their gift basket.

I want to thank Vesuvio Cat for a half-K of Chief's Jungle.

I want to thank Kava Kauai for a free sample they gave me that I didn't even expect, because their package arrived more-or-less on time as far as I could tell, but they said they had to reship it because they send it to a bad address at first.

I hope I haven't forgotten any cargo suppliers! I will sing to my brother John Frum of all your deeds and generosity. I understand where it comes from. Three years ago, my future Sister-In-Law gave me a bag of figs for Christmas, since I don't eat candy or snack foods. Her dog looked at me and even barked, and I looked back at him and said, "My figs!" After a few shells, I said, "sure, if you think you'll like them, we'll share the figs!" Kava leads to such a charitable and empathetic nature.

I'll even thank 1-Hour Break for their 70% off Cyber Monday coupon code. I did not take advantage of it.