Chewing rootlets is fun and effective, but can be messy. I've been chewing them in a paper towel. It falls apart after it moistens, so I plan on trying this with cloth when I get a chance.
Buy some rootlets from somewhere like . Get some thin cloth, like cutting a patch out of an old shirt. Put a palm full of small chunks of rootlets in the center, and twist it up like a teabag. Chew with your molars, saliva, add some water if it's dry. Suck the juice from the cloth while chewing. Effective, travel friendly! Bula.
Buy some rootlets from somewhere like . Get some thin cloth, like cutting a patch out of an old shirt. Put a palm full of small chunks of rootlets in the center, and twist it up like a teabag. Chew with your molars, saliva, add some water if it's dry. Suck the juice from the cloth while chewing. Effective, travel friendly! Bula.