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new to blender prep. questions


I've normally kneaded or mashed my kava then squeezed out my prep bag (nylon stocking). I'm going to get a blender soon and have a few questions about using a blender.

What speed should it be blended at? For how long? Can you 'over blend'?

Any things to avoid as I've never used a blender before?

What's the best way to do a second wash with a blender?


Deleted User01

Infraredz, please go to the Web Site for Kava by Rex.  In the past, I used a a blender until I read his preparation technique.  I still use it but only to mix the Kava because it is easy for me to pour it into my nylon (brewbag) bag.     http://kavabyrex.com/makekava.html

Good luck!


Kava Curious
I use the blender method.

You'll want a good quality blender, but it doesn't need to be 'high speed'. I use the low speed setting for 2 minutes, with some lecithin added.

I then pour the foamy mixed kava into a large mason jar with a fine mesh tea-strainer placed in the opening of the jar. I use a spoon and scrape along the tea-strainer to help the liquid go through and to squeeze the pulp. I generally have to do the straining in small batches because the flow of liquid through the mesh is slow.

I don't think over blending will be a problem for the kava, but might be for your blender! I've not had much success with 2nd washes, seems to get most of the good stuff out the first time.

Good luck!


I have noticed that my Kava has been tasting very differently since using a blender. I would describe it as a "bite" so maybe it's bitter but it could be an exaggerated form of the peppery taste of the Kava...? I wonder if the blender heats it up because I always used cold water when I would make a batch.

Anyone have this issue or know of a way to deal with it?


hyperdown said:
The strainer I use looks like this:
I've tried using strainers that look like this but they always seem to allow a lot of the fine particles to seep through which isn't pleasant and gives my stomach some issues... Do you find this to be a problem? Maybe you got a finer strainer than I was using. Where did you get this? 

My nylon stocking seems to get very 'oily' and hard to squeeze out. I use a little bit of lechitin but other than that, I don't know why it's started to do that since I started blending. Also, do you find that you can press out all the liquid when you use a strainer like this because usually, I can squeeze out 90-95% of the liquid when using a nylon stocking (although, like I said, it's been harder to do so lately).



Kava Curious
You will not get all the liquid squeezed out with this method, true. But, it seems to work well anyway. Using a spoon can squeeze out most of it (the wire mesh strainer I have is surprisingly strong).

I did have to get a very fine strainer for this, the one I tried initially was to course and made the kava super grainy. I still get some silt with the fine mesh, but it's not a problem for me. I let them sink to the bottom of my glass and don't drink the last swig.

I also noticed that if I tried using a nylon strainer bag after blending, it's almost impossible to squeeze. I think maybe because of all the sticky kavalactones clogging up the cloth.

As for the flavor 'bite', I can't say. I usually soak my kava in the refrigerator for a few hours before blending, so the water starts out really cold. I often times add some coconut milk and pineapple juice to the water, which improves the flavor and the potency (I think).