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New to Kava -- Need Advice

I am new to Kava, but would like to try it because I have heard about its benefits when it comes to helping with anxiety and stress. 
I have been doing some research and am considering getting the Fu'u Kava Ceremony kit from Bula Kava House and also trying the Kava Candy from Kava Kava Candy. Is this a good place to start or are there any other recommendations for a Kava beginner?
Also, could someone clarify proper Kava preparation or lead me to a link that does?
Lastly, is the strainer in the Ceremony Kit from Bula Kava House sufficient for proper prepratation? 
Thank you in advance!


Kava Enthusiast
I haven't tried the fu'u myself, though it's highly regarded on this forum it would seem. All you really need to prepare your kava is your root powder, a large bowl, and a strainer bag (a pair of socks or pantyhose will even do). A blender is helpful too, but not essential.

My prep is as follows:

1) Put 2 heaped tablespoons of root powder into a couple of cups of lukewarm water.

2) Let the mixture sit for an hour or so

3) Pour the mixture into a blender and blend for 3 minutes or so (sometimes I skip this step altogether if I'm feeling lazy)

4) Pour the mixture into the strainer, place the strainer into the bowl, and squeeze and knead like crazy for 20-30mins.


Kava Curious
Everything I've gotten from bula kava house has been top notch. I haven't gotten to the kava candy yet, but if you haven't already check out the thread: http://kavalounge.yuku.co...0/Kava-Kava-Candy?page=1

Now to preparation.

1. You need a good size straining bowl. The size will depend on how much you want to make. I use a metal mixing bowl.

2. Measure the kava by the tablespoon per cup of water. The amount depends on kava, which varies from batch to batch. For a decent kava though: 2 for thresh hold effects. 2-3 for medicinal. 3-5 for getting krunk. Kava lasts less than an hour if you take one good shell. I'd recommend making at least 3.

3. If you have time, soak the kava in water and soy lecithin for about an hour. I don't use lecithin, but some people say it makes the kava stronger.

4. Strain until your satisfied. I never go more than 20min, because lots of fine particles make the brew hard to drink.

5. Pour the kava into a coconut shell or similar container. I like 1/2 a cup per shell, but I think the standard is one cup. I place my shells 20min apart, but I'd recommend 10min.

6. Save the left over kava in the strainer bag for a second straining. The strength will depend on how intensely you strained the first time, obviously. I've never had no effect from a second straining though.

I'm fairly new too, so I have a couple thing wrong.

Hope that answered some questions! and Good Luck!

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Hey Spike. Judd here from Bula Kava House. Our Fu'u is awesome and the ceremony kit is great because drinking kava just isn't the same unless it's out of a coconut shell. Please keep in mind though that although price does sometimes mean a better product our Vanuatu kavas are just as good. Different in their own ways but equal. The price difference is simply a matter of the price given to us by different exporters.

We provide instructions with every kava purchase, although there is more than one way to go about preparation. You'll soon find out what works for you. The strainer bag we sell works quite well for Fu'u because the grind of fu'u is like baby powder. Our strainers are fairly tightly woven so you don't end up with a bowl of mud when preparing a finely ground kava.

Enjoy, and thanks for the business!
Thanks for the reply Judd. By the way, what are your shipping rates? 
Also, do you have any sampler kits or something similar, so I can give the various Kavas a shot? Thanks.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Within the U.S. our rates start at $6 and go up from there based on the weight of the package. The website will figure it out. Small orders of a half kilo or less are $6. Up to a couple kilos will be $12. The size of the kava kits make it a $12 shipping fee as well. We use priority shipping so you almost always get your order in 3 business days.

We do not at this time have a sampler pack although we may in the future.


Kava Enthusiast
If I were to start again, I'd probably do the same as I did, find an economical kava. You probably won't feel huge results immediately (unless you're a lucky one), so no need to break the bank from the get go. It may take up to a month to really start feeling it (as it did for me).

Fu'u is a good one. I do recommend it. Judd sells good stuff so I think you're pretty safe buying anything from BKH.


Kava Enthusiast
I think the ceremony kits would be a great way to get started. I was total herb for my first year of kava and never got a coconut cup. Judd is right, drinking it any other way just isn't right.

I imagine the kava gods were quite displeased with me drinking kava out of a stainless steel mug. The strainer bag the have is good as well and fu'u is a great place to start. I found the grind of fu'u to be so fine that straining it was challenging, but the stuff was strong and tasty.

The best strainer bag I've encountered was sent to me for free from Adil at paradisekava, they don't sell them yet though.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Aloha Spike!

All great advice up there!

Just wanted to add: Please try enough kava beverage at first.

Kava has a reverse tolerance effect to your body so it's important to drink enough to flood your system, so to speak.

Subsequent use will require much less.

Welcome to the Kava World! Enjoy brother~

Adil Ghiasi