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New to Kava with a few questions!


Hello there. I just ordered some Fu'u as I heard it is best for anxiety which is what im looking to use it for. I have a couple questions/concerns
1. What is the downfall of daily use? Are there serious withdrawal symptons, is there a maximum amount of times a week you'd suggest doing Kava to avoid becoming dependent?2. I've heard people talk about how Kava can last for a short amount of time, why not just drink more to get the effects again? Does it not work like that?3. I know there is a specific way to make Kava, but from what I've read, Fu'u can be prepared almost like an instant kava. I plan on just putting it into a cup of water and stirring. Any suggestions on how to get the most out of this method?


Kava Enthusiast
As far as I know the only significant downfall is the diuretic properties that will leave your skin dry and your eyes red if you use it a lot.

It works a good while for me, longer than alcohol for sure, which is why I was abusing it (alcohol).

You may get a bit more out of it by tossing it in a blender. I do just that but with white grapefruit juice. It's pretty nice. Soaking overnight is probably always going to help a bit too.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Well for me it normally lasts up to 6 hours. Then for up to 1-1.5 weeks I get the residual calming and anxiety controlling effects before I get around to having another bowl. For some of the heavy handed kava strains I've had it last nearly 8 ours or flat out put me to sleep. I guess it depends what you mean by short time and how your body is going to react to it.


Oh man! I could have sworn I heard once that it only lasts 1-2 hours. 6-8 definetly sounds just fine, thanks for the quick responses.


Pretentious, Wannabe Philosopher
I'm almost certain that there is no possibility of physical dependence, but perhaps I'm wrong. Good choice on Fu'u; very few people seem to dislike it. Welcome to the forum!


Kava Curious
I think the short efficacy issue you read about may have been in regards to the "plastered" feeling some people go for. In my early experimenting I unwittingly drank way too much of an extremely potent kava and the effect was so intense I could hardly walk. that situation only lasted a couple of hours but it eventually subsided into a beautiful state of relaxation. I haven't had much issue with anxiety since taking on a regular running/yoga routine, but the excessively strong sensation had me a little panicked. if anxiety relief is your goal I'd recommend being careful to avoid that experience. Fu'u should do you just fine, however, and I think it's a great starting point.

regarding your initial questions: 1) dependency is seemingly not an issue but I could see how inappropriate usage could be a problem. so don't load up on kava if you have major responsibilities to attend 2) it does work like that! however there will come a point where your body wants you to stop. at that point... stop. 3) I suggest straining Fu'u regardless of how fine it is. if you don't want to invest in a straining bag I've heard that clean socks are great. I assume these are previously unused socks but whatever floats your boat.

my personal method (and I'm no long-toothed veteran btw) is to take 3-6 tablespoons kava, 1 teaspoon coconut oil, a splash of coconut milk, 1.5-2.5 cups of warm water, and toss it into a shaker bottle (the one with the nifty orb inside). Shake for 30 seconds or more and set aside. Let it sit for half an hour or more, shake another 30 seconds and then dump it into a strainer bag. Knead for as long as you can and then squeeze the hell out of the pulp. Toss back a cup, wait, if more is required, have more.


Kava Enthusiast
I've never tried Fu'u, though it's very popular on here. I too would recommend straining it a little. It could spare you an upset stomach.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Hey there. Judd here from Bula Kava House. Kava is not chemically addictive, although if you really enjoy anything you could develop a mental addiction to it. Kava is used in many South Pacific communities on a daily basis with very few ill effects and no major ones. Drink away, the initial strongest effects should last 2-3 hours, but as others mentioned a residual calm tends to last quite a bit longer.

We do have some customers that use Fu'u like an instant. Some have reported nausea when doing this, others have not. If you're going to give it a try, start slowly.  Keep in mind also that many people end up really enjoying the ritual of squeezing kava.

My advice would be, if you want a kava you can make like instant, buy instant. Ours is ridiculously good, and is as close to kava made from fresh Vanuatu root as you'll get without going there. Follow this link and check it out.



Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Oh and just to clarify when I said "up to 6 hours" I mean it is possible for it to last up to 6 hours. It usually doesn't. On average I'd feel safe in saying 3-4 hours is the norm for me. YMMV.


Kava Enthusiast
1.  I drink it darn near every night and have been since if found kava when I visited Hawaii last Christmas.  I didn't last night just to prove to myself it is not addictive-I slept fine and it was not big deal.  Granted I wanted the warm fuzzy feeling but I'd eaten a big dinner and knew from experience it would be for the most part a waste of time.  You can catch a buzz off kava with a big full belly but it doesn't work as well.

2.  Fu'u (a high kavain batch) doesn't last as long as a higher DHM kind like Boroguro but the effect is different too.  Fu is a euphoric kava and you feel happy and talkative.  Boroguro on the other hand has a more sedative note to it.  You still get the euphoric feeling, just not as pronounced but you also get (and I love this part) a sedative calming feeling too.  If you have been working in the yard all day and your back is hurting Boroguro is a godsent miracle.

3.  Just suck it up and buy a good quality Fijian strainer bag.  Toss about a 1/4 to 1/2 a cup of root in the bag.  Do this over a bowl you are going to mix it in so the good dust falls into the bowl.  Add 3 cups of lukewarm water and immerse the bag into the water.  Let it sit for a minute or two and start massaging the kava in the bag.  I usually massage for 2-3 minutes then get a half cup measuring cup and get my first shell.  Massage some more and let it sit for a few more minutes and get another half cup.  If the kava seems thick I'll add some more water and keep going.  Massage, have a 1/2 cup, let it sit massage and have another 1/2 cup till it is gone.


Kava Curious
I've tried both Fu'u and Boroguro. Has anyone out there also tried 'Melomelo' (or as I call it, Vanuatu "Mello Yellow!" LOL).

What is your favourite kava kava strains?
I would like to find your opinions on the favourite strains of kava and what is considered the most euphoric and potent. I will list some strains I have consumed or would like to, and any advice and comments will be appreciated, thanks.
Being that i'm a cancer survivor and was heavily dependent on strong opiates (oxycontin and morphine etc.) pre and post-op for severe pain, I find kava's non-addictive, low-side affect profile and reverse tolerence issues that prescription drug sand alcohol suffer from.
Maybe we can differentiate the strains on the list by their respective attributes, i.e., sedating vs. stimulating, strong taste vs. weak taste, heady body effects vs. cerebral effects, etc. Personally, I prefer the strong & sedating body-numbing effects! :)
Here is the list that I am interested in:
Melomelo "Mello Yellow" kava (Vanuatu) Chemotype~ 426
PNG kava (Papua New Guinea) Chemotype~ 462
Premium Taveuni kava (Fiji)
Mahakeah426 kava (Hawaiian) Chemtype-426!
Private Reserve Hiwa kava (Hawaiian)
Mo'i kava (Hawaiian)
Nene kava (Hawaiian)
Papa 'ele'ele kava (Hawaiian)
Tuday aka isa kava (Papua New Guinea)
Chiefs jungle kava (Papua New Guinea) Chemtype~ 462 to 465. Chief’s Jungle has more DHK/DHM (2 or 5 in chemotype) nausea
Stone kava (Vanuatu)
Tongan kava (Vava'u)
WOW! kava (Vanuatu) very expensive, double of other kava's. Chemotype~ 426 or 246! (Good stuff but made me gag! LOL.)
White sand kava (Vanuatu)
Black sand kava (Vanuatu)
Niugini kava (Papua New Guinea) Chemotype~ 462 to 465?
Isa Tudei (Hawaiian)
Solomon Islands (Chemotype~ 462351 465321?) Probably wild whicamanii variant, close to NAH’s Chief’s Jungle; 
has something that either minimizes the tudei/nausea effect or has a different predominant kavalactone combo.
Chemotype  Legend:
1) demethoxy-yangonin (DMY)
2) dihydrokavain (DHK)
3) yangonin (Y)
4) kavain (K)
5) dihydromethysticin (DHM)
6) methysticin (M).
First 3 kavalactones in chemotype code for the chemotype represent 70%+ of total kavalactone content.
Kavalactone specific attributes, the DHK & DHM, in unusual, less-popular strains 462 and 465 -- seem to be the chemicals that make for “two-day” (tudei) effects – & for nausea. Kavain (hi-% desirable) is most quickly absorbed & its relaxant/anti-depressant effect goes most quickly to mind/body; numbing. Others: Methysticin is noted as “Slow; Sleepiness, muscle relaxant”. DMY & Y seem to be somewhat of a mystery. Also, sum is greater than the parts of the whole.
The most popular Vanuatu that we like chemotype examples are--246531 & 426135-- have dihydrokavain, kavain & methysticin as the first three lactones.
Well all the cultivars fascinate me!
By the way, I have tried one fresh frozen variety of kava called Kuma Kua 1/2 kilo (aka Puna Green) Chemotype~ 462351. (Nice.)
I would love to see an analysis of specific kavalactone levels for each strain. The understanding of kavalactone activity in the human body is still quite limited, it could be helpful to compare the subjective effects of strains with their respective kavalactone composition. I will try to see if there is any new data on this when I get a chance.
I definitely notice qualitative differences in effects when I use different strains of kava.
Get Krunked!

Later and Bula.