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New to the kavalounge


Hi all. Great community here.
I've been lurking for a while now trying to learn what I can about kava.
I have a few products in my arsenal from kbr and Vanuatu kava store.
So far (every day for about 1 week) I haven't had much success, but
I feel things are improving slowly. I had some good vibes listening to tunes
after I tried instant from Vanuatu.
I've mainly been drinking fiji waka from kbr but I'm not really getting
numb in the mouth when I drink...does this mean I may not be doing
a good preparation? I'm using 1/2 cup to 3 cups water now and kneading
the root for 5-10 minutes....
I'm just looking for sone guidance if anybody can help me out.



Is there death before life?
Welcom Welcome,

With all of my kavas I've found that 2 tablespoons per 1 cups works out quite nice.

Half a cup I think "dont quote me" is about 2 tbls more then what I use, so my only assumption by you're description is that you are not preparing it right.

You're mouth should Def. be numb.

Have you tried the blender method yet?

I've found that letting my Kava soak in warm water for 30 mins or so, then slamming it in a blender and letting it aggitate for 5 minutes. Then taking my strainer "Ive been using paint strainers lately, lol" and setting it inthe bowl, pouring the concoction in the strainer, and squezing for dear life works pretty nice.

Then I will work it in the water for a additional 10 minutes.

Sometimes I can work a wash "2nd batch" from the same Kava, but rarely.

Let us know


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Try a smaller batch. Endwatcher gave you a good guideline for the Kava:Water ratio.

My rule of thumb when making kava is if your hands are not tired in one way or another, you weren't working it long enough (or hard enough). In my personal experiences with different kinds of kava, each one has a certain way they seem to turn out better if you're doing it by hand. Some only take 10 minutes others like BHK Boroguru can take over 45 minutes to work completely by hand.(stuff will outlast you) Most kava I have prepared by hand took 15 on average.

It also depends on the grind. A kava with a fine grind won't take as long as one with a course grind. YMMV though.


Thanks for the replies.

I haven't tried the blender method...I somehow don't think my wife would appreciate it haha

I did let it sit in warm water once before working it, but didn't have any success there either.

I will reduce the amount of kava and try working the kava longer and harder and let you know how it goes.

I'm also waiting on some extract from paradise, so will be interesting to see how I respond to that.

Thanks again for guidance