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Night Twitching


Kava Enthusiast
Has anyone experienced any full body twitching from kava? I took a lot of 9-year ISA yesterday and when i tried to go to sleep I would start violently twitching right as i was about to fall asleep, like when you wake up from a bad dream, but i hadnt fallen asleep yet. It lasted a couple hours, it was really annoying. it kept waking up my wife.I had this happen a couple months ago but i hadnt realized it was the kava, but pretty sure it was this time.


Kava Enthusiast
Stone will sometimes give me twitches. Not like my whole body twitching at once, but little muscle twitches all over. Leg... pause... shoulder... pause... back... pause... arm.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I get body twitched after I work out or after day #3 on the bicycle(30 mile mark). I don't drink kava everyday or even every week for that matter so I can't really say it's the kava.