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No Kava Effects

So recently I've been trying to find ways to naturally reduce my anxiety and insomnia. Kava has been one of the most popular natural remedies on the internet (that I've found) and it has really interested me. Here's my issue:
I've tried kava eight times so far using two different ways of preparation. Here's the details.
Method 1)I used 1/2 cup of dried Kava root powder (Kava Boy brand) with probably 8 cups of water (a large bowl full)I put it in the mesh bag thing and squeezed the hell out of it for 30 minutes and let it sit (in the bag) for 30 minutes The result was a promisingly darkish brown liquid with foamy goodness in thereI proceeded to gulp down the liquid in about 15 minutes time, which was a pretty horrible experience as far as tasteMy entire mouth was very very numb by the end of this sessionI felt no effects whatsoever. other than ^
Method 2)I put 1 cup of kava root powder (Wakacon Fijian Kava Waka brand) in milk/ coconut water about 32 oz (large gatorade bottle)I used whole milk for about half of the liquid in the beverageI then proceeded to shake the bottle vigorously for 30 minutes/wait for 15minutes/shake for 30/let sit for 30 minutes.After the mixture settled I shook it for another 5 minutes and strained it into a large cupI gulped down this liquid in about 10minutesI had a very numb mouth and yet no effects whatsoever just a full stomach
I have tried both methods in different ways, using water/soy milk/oil/coconut milk for different liquids. I've tried mixing the two Kava brands/ using less or more of the kava for each batch each with no positive effects. The only thing I felt was a numb mouth and full stomach. I also am aware of the "reverse tolerance" that kava can have so all of these methods I tried over the course of 2 months.
Is there something I'm doing wrong? I've seen more potent varieties of kava on the market but I feel like the amount I'm using in each batch should be plenty to feel something, even if it isnt the absolute best kava on the market. Besides I hear waka fijian kava is of high quality... 
Any ideas? or should I move on to trying K@... 


Kava Curious
You can try a different/stronger strain.  Anything from N@H usually does wonders for me.  Though the fact that your mouth is going numb means that the stuff you're using isn't bad by any means.
In case you don't know, don't underestimate the effects of drinking on an empty stomach.  That makes a world of difference for me.  I have my best sessions when drinking at noon without any breakfast (a good 14 hours without eating anything).  Other people will also suggest to take less caffeine and other substances that may effect kava.
But I think my most relevant advice here is to try drinking more often.  Eight times over the course of two month won't do much (at least for me) in terms of getting through reverse tolerance.  At least once, I would try drinking a couple days in a row.  No need to overdo it the first few days.  But the third/fourth day, now that you have some kava built up in your system, make a large/strong batch and keep drinking until you feel something.
I see it like any type of anxiety medication you would take.  If you pop one pill every now any then, I wouldn't expect it to do anything.  You have to take them daily and let build up in your system.  Even then, you have to keep up on it if you want consistent effects.
Alright! Here's the plan: I will continue to make strong batches each night until my two pounds of the stuff is gone. Then I'm thinking about ordering from N@H, making a super strong drink and having a session on an empty stomach. Hopefully this will be eventful. Thank you for the response(s) I'm glad it's normal to not feel anything right away. 
Also, is my second method (shaking it in a bottle/milk) a good one? It's the most convenient for me and is a lot less messy... but if you think I'm loosing and kalvatones I will go back to method 1.


Kava Enthusiast
You need to work through the reverse tolerance stage to really good solid effects. It took me about a month of daily drinking before I really broke through. The best way to go would be to get a kilo for cheap, I'd recommend boroguro from BKH and just drink 1/4 cup a day until you start getting krunk and then you can expand as you wish. Keep in mind that allot of strainer bags are just paint strainer bags, I know the one from N@H is for sure. Muslin bags suck and the Fijian bags are the gold standard. Paradise has great Fijian strainer bags and are the best I've come across.
new2kava said:
You need to work through the reverse tolerance stage to really good solid effects. It took me about a month of daily drinking before I really broke through. The best way to go would be to get a kilo for cheap, I'd recommend boroguro from BKH and just drink 1/4 cup a day until you start getting krunk and then you can expand as you wish. Keep in mind that allot of strainer bags are just paint strainer bags, I know the one from N@H is for sure. Muslin bags suck and the Fijian bags are the gold standard. Paradise has great Fijian strainer bags and are the best I've come across.
Is my method of shaking in a bottle OK?


Kava Curious
Good luck, and if you still run into issues, come back on the boards.  There's a bunch of people that'd love to help you.
As for prep methods...  50 people will give you 49 different answers for what works best.  Personally, I use the simplest method recommended by KavaByRex and ParadiseKava (http://kavabyrex.com/makekava.html).  Put kava in strainer bag (Fijian works best), place in water, massage/squeeze for 5-10 minutes.  Done.  Do other, more complex methods extract more of the kavalactone goodness?  Maybe.  But if I had to go through some long, ridiculous prep method for every session, I would have quit a long time ago...  To each his own.  Honestly, as long as you don't boil the kava, pretty much anything should work.
Okay, the bottle method I've been using is numbing my entire mouth each time so it has to be working. Which is good. I will continue to use this method for the next few weeks and try the more traditional method when I get some stone kava in. (gunna see if that will push me to the next level).
Thanks for all the responses, very much appreciated!

kl.c double

Kava Curious
pretty much what I went through. You really don't need to spend hours preparing it. I've had a couple minor breakthroughs (mostly sleepiness) and then my first real krunk last night after 3plus weeks of basically nothing. During that time I consumed about a cup every 3 days, and drank almost daily. There are others on here who had the same problem. I just hope that now that I broke through it, I'm through it for good!