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No Kava Today

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Today is one of the saddest days in history.  In Austria, on 20 April, 1889, one of the most evil people in history was born, Adolf Hitler.

So much death, so much hate, is associated with his name.

As much as I want to drink kava today, doing so would be celebrating his birthday.

I urge you all to make April 20th a day of abstinence.

Thank you.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu

Just kidding!  Four and Twenty shells tonight to honor my good friend and fellow elderly sex god, George Takei.  Happy Birthday, George!

kl.Cocos kava

Kava Curious
How do I post a topic from my iPad? I wanted to ask how many people blend their kava. Tonight I blended borogu, boroguru, melo melo, fu' u, nambawan.