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Not sure what I am looking for...

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Kava Enthusiast
A most excellent issue to have! Nor do I know all the words the forums use as I am a bit new to posting here.
I'm considering the Fuu for kind of a nice just fun kind. The Eua (?) also might be nice from what I've read.

Anyone know if Bula has one that go well with Fuu or some other what I called 'just-plain-fun' type That tends to encourage not taking things overly seriously.

I've only had their Nabawan, it seemed like it was kind of quirky adventurous kind. Leading to cracking many great puns. Alas not knowing better was (trying to) just mix it with luke warm tap water and soy milk then chugging...wich didn't exactly work.

So I figured why not just ask around.
What might go with a just-fun quaffing type to quaf and make your ancestors proud?

I think I'm looking for one that'd be ache releaving. I don't know if that's what people here consider balanced
So I thought: why not describe what I might looking and also get some opinions for something that'd go well with a Just-fun-type ( Fuu or Eua for example)

Any sugestions for what might go well with just-fun-and have type?

EDIT: When I'm thinking of a just fun kind I'm thinking of one that tends encourage to cracking jokes copius joy, merriment, revelry and mirth and have fun with what your doing and not take things overly-seriously. If that makes sense.

Hope everyone is having a grand and very fun day.


Kava Enthusiast
Sounds like you're looking for a headier more Kavain orientated kava but I don't have anywhere near as much experience with them so others would know better as to what exact one to recommend.

Something Fijan or Hawaiian for sure I would think. Maybe a Lawena? If you want something a bit sedating though maybe not.


Kava Lover
Taveuni waka is my fave from bkh but I mostly enjoy it for its moodlift and the bit of energy/social boost it gives me.


Kava Enthusiast
Sounds like you're looking for a headier more Kavain orientated kava but I don't have anywhere near as much experience with them so others would know better as to what exact one to recommend.

Something Fijan or Hawaiian for sure I would think. Maybe a Lawena? If you want something a bit sedating though maybe not.
Quite possible ^_^ and really appreciate the opinions.

My thinking was look for different kinds of kavas
For example a something that's not to energetic while not making me dream of far away lands all the time and might help me lift my mood, ease sore muscles and stiff parts.
A separate one that might be a just fun one...
Possibly a third kind to help remind my boddy it's quite ok to unwind and relax on weekends and night.

Someone thought Fuu might fit the bill for encouraging a bit something of a pleasant mood. It looks pretty peppy and fun.
That left me wondering is there a kava that's just plain good? mabie something that's leaves you fealing refreshed and at ease?
If so I might get that as well.
The method to my madness is silly to pay a bunch for shipping, why not get two at the same time to save a little on shipping.
Does that make sense?

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Quite possible ^_^ and really appreciate the opinions.

My thinking was look for different kinds of kavas
For example a something that's not to energetic while not making me dream of far away lands all the time and might help me lift my mood, ease sore muscles and stiff parts.
A separate one that might be a just fun one...
Possibly a third kind to help remind my boddy it's quite ok to unwind and relax on weekends and night.

Someone thought Fuu might fit the bill for encouraging a bit something of a pleasant mood. It looks pretty peppy and fun.
That left me wondering is there a kava that's just plain good? mabie something that's leaves you fealing refreshed and at ease?
If so I might get that as well.
The method to my madness is silly to pay a bunch for shipping, why not get two at the same time to save a little on shipping.
Does that make sense?
I think the Fu'u fits what you're looking for to a T!
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