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Noticed black chunks in Kava - normal?


Pictures of some black bits I noticed while prepping Kava

Found some black chunks in my medium grind per the below pictures - is this a normal coloring to part of the roots? Some black pieces were the size of your average chunk of root you find in medium grind, and in other cases there were tan pieces of root which almost had black coloring infused within it. Normal, or could there be something off with the Kava?

Also the chunk on my finger in the picture would smudge if you rub it between your fingers and doesn't seem like dirt.

media-1588785586392-May_6_2020_1_18_PM.jpg IMG_20200506_130811.jpg IMG_20200506_131228.jpg

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Most likely the processor missed a bit of bark from the outside of the roots when cleaning prior to grinding. Not going to hurt you at all, in fact it's sorta common to get to the bottom of a bag and see the little black bits.


thanks Kapmcrunk, appreciate the input.

If it's bark that's great, I was hoping it was something that could be identified, though isn't the outer bark more of a medium-brown color? These chunks/flakes are a really dark brown/black.

Unfortunately I don't typically inspect my kava as much as I have lately, after getting an atypical unpleasant reaction from a recent batch, so I can't say whether this is usually present.