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Oh my... Another horribly inaccurate article about kava


Kava Enthusiast
Written by a Doctor, nonetheless....


"When someone walks into a Kava bar, the last thing they are thinking of is going away to rehab in the next few months. Kava actually does have relaxing properties. The problem is that it can be abused and cause physical dependence with regular usage. The Polynesian cultures have depicted in great detail the patterns of abuse with this substance as well as the physical manifestations.

Heavy users exhibit overall poor health, a swollen face, and scaly rash. In a manner resembling what happens with heavy regular use of alcohol and sedatives, cessation of regular use of Kava can also lead to a chemical withdrawal syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by anxiety, tremor, sweating and possibly even seizures."

It looks like the K@ proponents have written some quality comments on this article, but the pro-kava standpoint is entirely lacking.  Let's go get-em guys...


Kava Curious
Big Pharma doesn't want stuff like kava to be considered a good, safe cure for anxiety because they can sell synthesized chemicals for a higher price.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I don't think I've ever read anything about kava causing physical dependence (however K@ certainly can). I've also never experienced any withdrawal myself nor have I ever seen any other internet user report it. I haven't spent enough time in the islands to see or hear any reports of this being true for the more serious abusers. (they do exist) I will agree with the part of the article that said "Heavy users exhibit overall poor health, a swollen face, and scaly rash"...I've both read studies mentioning it and have seen it 1st hand.

It has always seemed strange to me that kava is the only GABAerigic substance I've read about, that doesn't carry with it a similar addiction/withdrawal potential like the other GABAergics. I guess I've just always considered that to be one of it's blessings though. However, major dependence issues usually only set in when you continually increase the dosage and frequency of use over time. Being that it's pretty difficult for people to do that with kava, that might be the reason why it seems to have no addictive properties. MAYBE, just maybe, there are some people (most likely in the pacific) that drink large quantities in the day and in the night...everyday...and at that level, possibly the typical symptoms of GABAerigic withdrawal can set in.?


Kava Lover
Kind words aren't going to suffice in this case. I think we should draft an email and ask him just where his case studies are and demand that he show the studies that he is getting this from and assure him that there is a large amount of people against him.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I agree with that idea Krunkedout. I got through the first couple paragraphs, stopped, and went......."whaaaaaa?(smiley: eek).....(smiley: tired) oie"


Kava Lover
this is the enemy. I can't seem to find an office email or anything. If anyone can find some contact info than please share. Either that or all of us should call him on different days and demand that he either shows valid evidence for his claims or takes down the article.

Piper Methysticum

Let Kava Take The Wheel
So, psychiatrist treat patients with swollen faces and irritated skin from kava? Hmmmm. He was Googling for kava information and singled out kava ABUSERS. What a guy!


Kava Curious
Now let's be nice, people. We won't catch any flies with vinegar. I'm sure that Dr. Rodriguez is probably an okay guy, even if he may be a little uptight. Perhaps we should take up a collection and send him a pound of something nice. Then he can judge for himself.


Kava Lover
I think he is all about profit. He has a rehash center where he treats people for drug dependency, anxiety, alcoholism, depression and more. Sort of sounds like things that kava can help with... Hmmmmm... It's only a matter of time before people like him turn kava into the next refer madness and make propaganda films showing how nice young jimmy beat his mother to death with a frying pan and jumped out a window in a kava induced frenzy after drinking a shell. There comes a point when niceness can't prevail over the power of greed.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Even if the guy was doing this on purpose I don't think the fact that he runs a rehab center has much to do with it. In fact, I'd argue that some kind of kava therapy would actually help his business if applied responsibly. But...that's the key word isn't it... "responsibly". 
He won't have any problem keeping that place open even with kava.


Kava Enthusiast
This makes me so angry. Any substance that actually works gets labelled as dangerous, while you can sell shark cartilige to cancer patients all day long and no one cares. I have an acuaintance I recently gave K@ to help her get off prescription painkillers and she told me it was a gift from god. Doctors like this ARE the enemy. Please do send that letter. Good on you guys for taking action .

Piper Methysticum

Let Kava Take The Wheel
Tonight when I'm enjoying a shell of therapeutic and stress relieving Fiji Waka I will probably marvel at the low rates of cancer experienced in the kava-consuming Polynesian cultures as I often do.

Piper Methysticum

Let Kava Take The Wheel
It is definitely suspicious that a psychiatrist would ignore the reported mental health benefits of kava and be completely negative about it. Interestingly I see Delray Beach has 2 kava bars with 1 practically located right around the corner from him. Competition?



Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Maybe the cute girl at the kava bar counter wouldn't give him her phone number. *shrugs*



Kava Curious
I don't mind that the guy advertises his business, but I can't abide a plagiarist:

Rodriguez says: "Formal Yaqona ceremonies will often accompany important functions, usually involving a ritual presentation of the bundled roots as a sevusevu or gift, and drinking of the Kava itself."

Wikipedia says: "...a formal yaqona (kava) ceremony will often accompany important social, political, religious, etc. functions, usually involving a ritual presentation of the bundled roots as a sevusevu (gift), and drinking of the yaqona itself."

Rodriguez says: "Even the vessels used in these ceremonies are often expertly crafted, with traditional Kava bowls being meticulously carved from a single piece of wood."

Wikipedia says: "...the paraphernalia surrounding the traditional kava ceremony are expertly crafted. Traditionally designed kava bowls are made from a single piece of wood..."

Rodriguez says: "Heavy users exhibit overall poor health, a swollen face, and scaly rash."

Wikipedia says: "Australian studies focused on populations with heavy concomitant consumption of alcohol and overall poor health. In one study, heavy kava use in an Aboriginal community in Arnhem Land was associated with overall poor health, a puffy face, scaly rash, and a slight increase in patellar reflexes."

I guess in theory it's possible he contributed the Wikipedia text himself... but I somehow doubt it.


Kava Curious
Krunkedout said:
Kind words aren't going to suffice in this case. I think we should draft an email and ask him just where his case studies are and demand that he show the studies that he is getting this from and assure him that there is a large amount of people against him.
This is how we get things done. I think every one of us should ask him what his sources are. If he cannot present them then he should retract his statement. Such statements aren't just bad for Kava, but for science, journalism, and truth in general.