I got my boroguru in the mail today, and excited to try my own hand at making an oil extract got down to work.
Initial Materials: Peanut oil, vegetable oil, BKH Boroguru kava, measuring cups, food thermometer.
My first idea was to use a 1:1 ratio of kava to oil, but the consistency wasn't quite right so I added another half cup. The proportions I used were 1/2 cup peanut oil, 1/2 vegetable oil, and 1/2 root. I would have used 100% peanut oil, but the shit's expensive. I'd imagine any oil with a suitable fat content will do.
The ingredients were thoroughly mixed and placed in the oven at 275 degrees for one hour. Every fifteen minutes it was brought out to be re-stirred. After one hour transpired, the mix was pulled out and the temperature was taken at 130 degrees F. This was a surprising reading as I had thought it would be closer to 200 degrees, but the repeated removal from the oven could have had a role in influencing the temp.
This is the unfiltered mixture straight from the oven. As you can see, it has all settled to the bottom.
A spoonful off the top.
Since there was a pretty substantial clear oil layer I decided to pour it off into another container (the mixing bowl). The pan on the leftis the remaining kava and oil. With what was leftover in the pan, I added water and stirred the kava (it formed into clumps) and poured offthe water into another pan. The remaining kava clumps were then combined with a half cup of water and filtered through a T-shirt. This wasthen added to the pan with water/oil.
This is the product of the T-shirt strain.
The water pan is in the fridge currently. I am hoping that after some time an oil layer will form on top of the water. With this I hope to siphon off to add to the extract supply.
In future experiments, I plan on changing the oven temperature and seeing how that effects the potency/kavalactone content.
The Extract:
This stuff is really potent, so be careful. As my original post stated, the buzz had a very distinct cannabis character to it; lots of spacing out, increased sensitivity to music, and similar body sensations.