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Oneirogenics for Oneironauts

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Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
The very first thing that attracted me to kava for my own personal use was the almost immediate and very powerful effect it has on my dream life.

Oneironautics had been a hobby of mine for some years before and I had successfully been able to train myself both to enjoy extended liminal sessions of hypnogogic imagery explosions and dances, as well as inducing lucid dreams. Both took a considerable deal of effort.

It is still almost two years later one of my greatest joys with kava. I also enjoy caleas zacatechichi, silene capensis (which I make with an AluBall), and mugwort.

Just wanted to talk about it wit any like-minded folk, maybe trade tips. FWIW I think kava is the best oneirogenic.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
You should give valerian root a go. That stuff mixed with kava gave me some insanely vivid dreams that were psychedelic. It was insane. The visuals that it caused and how intense the lucidity of it was despite me not being aware I was dreaming.

How do you use mugwort? I only once put this under my pillow as recommended when I was 17 or so and had some very odd dreams in black and white but haven't experimented much since. I tried calea. But years ago as well and never really got deep into it enough to know it at heart .


Kava Lover
The very first thing that attracted me to kava for my own personal use was the almost immediate and very powerful effect it has on my dream life.

Oneironautics had been a hobby of mine for some years before and I had successfully been able to train myself both to enjoy extended liminal sessions of hypnogogic imagery explosions and dances, as well as inducing lucid dreams. Both took a considerable deal of effort.

It is still almost two years later one of my greatest joys with kava. I also enjoy caleas zacatechichi, silene capensis (which I make with an AluBall), and mugwort.

Just wanted to talk about it wit any like-minded folk, maybe trade tips. FWIW I think kava is the best oneirogenic.
A long time ago, back when usenet was still a thing I spent some time on a newsgroup dedicated to lucid dreaming. I spent the next 5-6months training myself and setting up ques to recognize when I was dreaming. For quite sometime I was pretty successful at lucid dreaming. My main objective when lucid dreaming was flying. The exhilaration of flying in a dream was super powerful for me. Of course being a young male at the time there were some other interesting, aha 'experiences' that I a part took of while lucid dreaming but they usually woke me up pretty quickly;). I was also moderately successful at training myself to stay in the lucid state with tricks like spinning if I felt like I was waking up.
I can't say I ever have tried any herbs/drugs to for these states - but I would be interested to hear your experiences with these substances. Any good reference material you can point me to?

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
One thing I would set out at the starte is the distinction between vivid dreams and lucid dreams. Vivid dreams are just what they sound like, exciting, colourful, usually longer in duration, and much ore exciting and memorable than the dreams one usually has. Typically they tend to be in colour and with an expanded and vibrant colour palette.

Lucid dreams, otoh, are a specific hybrid state of consciousness, in which you are both dreaming and also conscious, with some elements of control on your part possible, and that control can be improved through exercise and practise. Unfortunately for the sake of clarity, most people mean the former when they refer to the later, but they are really not alike at all.

That said, all of the oneirogenics that can help with inducing lucid dreams will also cause vivid dreams. Also, all of these oneirogenics, and more, can by themselves induce vivid dreaming but none on their own can induce lucid dreaming. They can help you, but they cannot do it all.

Typically lucid dreams happen because you yourself induced them, through being trained and following specific practices. Simply training is enough, though it can take 1 - 2 months of hard work to train up to it. Oneirogenics can make it slightly easier.

One profound effect kava has had on me is that I found kava dreams to be even more interesting and enjoyable to me than lucid dreams. I have had a lucid kava dream, and that is a special class, somewhat different than either a lucid dream or a vivid kava dream. Nice, but not so nice you want to go way out of your way chasing it, IMO, you aren't missing some perfect wonderful thing, just something nice.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
I was into lucid dreaming for a bit but once I accomplished it I lost interest. That being said I enjoy vivid dreams even more so. I've used several dreaming teas but Kava dreams do seem to be the most vivid of all.
yes, there is the risk with lucid dreaming that it's like a cheap parlour trick, like male multi-orgasmic capability. Yes it's neat you can do it, but after your curiosity is satisfied, it sits there in the corner with gizmos from Sharper Image. Att least it's a skill I have so I am not in fear of being incarcerated or being paralysed, I could simply swicth, so that my lucid dreaming life was my real world and this one was the dream one. Yes, I have a very cunning plan, and being able to lucid dream is a big part, but it's mainly an insurance plan. Like you, I'm mostly just happy with vivid dreams with kava, because it is better than anything else.
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