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Micronized Kava Review 'Opihikao


Deleted User01

Yes, this also goes by the name of Spotted Hiwa and it is a heavy hitter. The first thing I noticed about this Kava is that I immediately lose concentration. I was trying to read a gardening magazine on the patio, I looked at some pictures, then I closed the magazine. Because your brain goes to sleep, your anxiety goes to sleep as well. This is a very sedating Kava and that is why I chose to drink it on Sunday Afternoon when all the chores were done. It is more sedating than Nene but I'm not even sure I need anything more sedating than that. I didn't feel much of the Ear Ringing that signals a high Kavain Kava. This is a Kouch Potato Kava. When I finally got to the couch 2 hours later, then I felt the muscle melt. I slept very well indeed. I thing Chris is deliberately releasing these Heavy Hitters to show us that Hawaiian Kavas can also make you a couch potato. For me, this is a great night time Kava but I'm ready for the heady Kavas that I can drink during the day. I will not be drinking this one during the day but rather doing a Opihikao nitecap to insure a relaxed evening and restful sleep. Think of it as a heavy organic sleeping powder.

P.S. When people talk about their favorite Kavas, my eyes glaze over. Every Kava seems to have different effects and are useful for different purposes. Within the 13 Hawaiian strains you will find pain killers, mildly sedating daytimers, ear ringing energerizing daytimers, and couch Potato Kavas. A kava for every occasion.


Kava Enthusiast
Good review Deleted User01. I prefer the headier Hawaiian varieties as well. Always nice to have some r&r blends on hand for when time calls.

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Kava Padawan
I don't think I experienced the fullness of this kava until last night. I had a big bottle of this grog and (thanks to a little Fijian booster tossed in the mix later on) and i got walloped! I didn't get sleepy though, just turned into molasses in a nice, comfy chair. Of course, I'm repeating this again tonight for the sake of science :pompus:


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Nice one. Glad to have some Hawai'ian heavies in the bunch. Sounds like it behaves much like 'awa Hiwa.
I noticed the GHK site has it listed as a 463 ...but elsewhere it's listed as 462. Must be a type-o on the ghk site, 'cause I can't see a 463 ever being so heavy. ...Unless perhaps the third and fourth kavalactone percentages are so close that they could be nearly interchangeable.
I'm also interested in which one you consider the most potently heady, now that you've spent a lot of time with most of 'em. ::happyshell::


A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
@Deleted User01 This resounds very nicely with how I feel about Opihikao; I get very exited during the evening hours to prepare my micronized Opihikao in my blender because I know it's gonna be a great session every time.
The muscle melting properties when the proper amount is consumed are wonderful and have been managing my treadmill thoughts before bed quite well.
So much so that it's now specifically slated for a nighttime bonus or reward only and it's explicitly grog during the daytime unless a special case arises. :D::happyshell::

Steve T

Kava Enthusiast
Thanks for the helpful review. I really liked Nene in the sample pack; if this is similar but stronger then I'm ordering some.

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Thanks for the helpful review. I really liked Nene in the sample pack; if this is similar but stronger then I'm ordering some.
Yes it is most certainly stronger than the Nene. If you drink too much you will be surprised at how you can not walk in a straight line. :nailbiting:


Steve T

Kava Enthusiast
I've drank medium grind Opihikao 2 nights so far, 7 tablespoons each time. The second night I decided it would be a good idea to drink it all within 1.5 hrs, which I guess is what normal kava drinkers do (I usually take it slow). I immediately felt very tired and started getting ready for bed 2.5 hours early, which never happens. Its sedative properties are crazy, A+ in that category. Its taste wasn't amazing as a medium grind (compared to Papa Ele Ele medium) but we're all used to that, and I'm sure it is better as micronized in the first place. Speaking of Papa Ele Ele, Opihikao and Pana Ewa are just as strong if not stronger as medium grinds, regardless of kavalactone %. In other words, they are very strong. Maybe I'll have time to review it, but I'm drinking so many of Chris's kavas that reviewing would turn into a full time job. Pana Ewa is currently my favorite of the month though!

Deleted User01

Headgie, I never saw your question about Head Ringers. I just saw it. Right now the Hanakapi Ai is ringing my bell. Had some yesterday.
Oh, Oh, see what you made me do. Now the Disco Song, "Ring my Bell" is playing continuously in my pea brain. Dad gummit. :banghead: