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Opinions, Facts, Research, Really any Replies Would be Super Awesome!


Kava Curious
Hello All!
So I'm faaairly new to kava, I have been partaking in the experience for a while now. However, and I don't want to say any names, I started off, and continued to use, a kava variety that was rather weak. I recently started to experiment with N@H's varieties, and holy kava, it is soo much better. My fascination started while I was in Hawai'i looking at UofH Manoa for grad school in ethnopharmacology. Some random lady in a tourist area gave me a couple dixi cups filled with a fairly transparent, green tinted liquid she called "awa". By the way, I had heard of kava before this trip, but the word baffled me. Anyway, I drank it, and minutes later, while talking to my family, started to feel AMAZING! So to make a long story short, here I am! I just have a few questions that I would love to put out there. 1- Does anyone know the speculated effects of the different kavalactones (I know they work wonders in harmony)? 2- Does anyone have any research regarding the methods of bio-reactivity? I know there are some studies that point to the GABA receptors as a prime target. And -3- Which, in your opinion, is the best strain for a long euphoric effect, if that does indeed exist. I'm an anthropologist studying in ethnopharmacology/ethnopharmacognosy, so I've done my research, but I would love to hear from all of you! I hope to make some new friends here at the Kava Lounge!
Lukim Yu,    Brian


Kava Curious
Hey, welcome!

1. From a trusted source? No. Kava by Rex has some info taken from another source: http://www.kavabyrex.com/...kavalactone_effects.html

2. No.

3. I haven't experienced a very long euphoric effect with any kava. SI makes me euphoric initially. If you haven't tried it, it can hit hard. I'd almost forgotten how hard it hits up until last night. Paradise Kava's frozen kava made me smile uncontrollably for about five minutes after I first tried it but I think they use a blend of Hawaiian kavas.


Kava Curious
Thanks for the reply! I know the bio-reactivity research is hard hard to come by, but thanks for everything else! Yes, Solomon definitely does have euphoria hit initially, then every shell after the 2nd seems to enhance the "zombie" feeling of relaxation. SI is def one of my faves so far. How was the frozen kava experience? I def want to try it, but the 2 lb min is a little expensive for me at the moment.


Kava Curious
It's a very mellow, relaxing kava. After having that for a bit, going back to SI felt almost like too much. The fresh kava blend has just perfect effects unless you want to get krunk. 1lb fresh doesn't last nearly as long as 1lb dry. Need 3 tbsp/cup and 1lb of the fresh is less kava than 1lb of the dry. OTOH I've been able to make a second, weaker batch from the same root. In one case I was able to make a third batch with a little bit of dry kava added. It's helped me to preserve the kava for a second use by keeping it in water.

It tastes amazing.


Kava Curious
And @ObiWan, you should try it. It is my favorite at the moment. It has a great body and mind effect, and I like the holism of it all.