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Our new kava drink

We sell a four ounce container of our instant kava drink which is a mix of mango powder, cinnamon, stevia and of course kava. Just put 1 teaspoon of the powder mix in a coffee cup and mix with hot water (each serving is 1 teaspoon). It's strong for it's serving size but not inebriating like conventional kava. You definitely will feel the mouth numbing effect - and depending on the individual, the relaxing effects. It taste good. All natural ingredients. :)

We also started a kava wiki 



Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
What(where) is the source of your kava root?

What do you mean by "conventional kava"?

Where else have you marketed this?

Is this purely an online endeavor or do you already have a local consumer base?

I don't mean to nit-pick, and someone feel free to step in if I am, but there simply isn't enough information here.
We use Vanuatu (root) kava. By conventional I meant that we mix it with other ingredients to make it taste good as opposed to selling it whole.

We are starting strictly online and we haven't marketed much at all.


Kava Curious
This may not be the best of places to advertise although I do understand the carpet-bomb approach. Most folks here prefer a more traditional preparation using the ground root.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
Yup, samples if you want publicity. Kavasseur won't give it rave reviews unless it is worth a damn, keep that in mind.


Kava Curious
I've had similar concoctions in the powdered form sold in Maui at health food markets. Kava appeared at the end of the list of ingredients so there was really no effect. I can't remember the name of it.