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Pain/soreness after trying some extracts

Tried Kava for the first time a few months ago via the cheap, crappy extract pills they sell. Was actually fairly impressed even in that form, but often I  would notice a minor soreness
in the bottom of my chest after taking it. Given Kava's supposed relation to liver problems, true or not, this obviously worried me. On the other hand, the effects were fantastic, so I
tried to do some research and fix the problem.  I read claims that the extracts were often made from bad parts of the plant, so I got a root-only one. Same thing. Then I read the
extraction process might be causing issues itself, so I tried some of the extract discussed on the blog, extracted in a different, supposedly superior way. Again, no difference. Still a bit sore.
Eventually I decided it was best to just give up for the time being, in the interest of health. That was a month ago, and I'm still having what seems to be liver pains on and off.

Has anyone here experienced anything like this? I should be clear that even when I was enjoying Kava, it was a pretty conservative dose: one pill every two or three days at the most.
Maybe (I hope) this was brought on by something completely unrelated, but it certainly seems to correlate with my usage pretty closely.


Huh, that's interesting. Where was the pain/soreness exactly?

I have experienced a sore "full" feeling that radiated from my upper right quadrant that may or may not have anything to do with kava. It fades on and off throughout months and currently my liver enzyme panels are totally normal with no sign of inflammation or any problems with my liver, kidneys, or gallbladder. So I'm not sure what that is all about, but my doc is pretty unconcerned about it.

If I were you, I'd talk to a doc about this, and get a blood test, check everything. That will at least give you some actual answers.