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Paradise CO2 Extract causing anxiety and tension?


I have been trying to CO2 extract in all doses from tiny to pea sized and within a few minutes my mind is racing, there is a tension in my chest and I become anxious. I have never reacted like this to kava products. Usually for the most part relaxing. What do you think the dealio is? Anyone else experience this? Thanks!

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Maybe you're kavain sensitive? Kavain is a SNRI, if I remember correctly, and not everyone reacts well to that. How do you do with green kava juice powder (e.g. Fire Island) and Borugo stuff?


Hey Prince, I haven't tried it. Is it pretty different from other kava's? I've tried Kona Kava Farm which sucked, and all of paradise's kava powders. The ISA kept me up at night thinking about my heart and trying to feel my brain. I remember liking the fijan and hawaiian alot. Not so much weirdness with those strains.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Hmmm. Hard to describe Borogu as different. It's one of the most common kava types imported out of Vanuatu. It makes the basis for Fire Island, Black Sands, White Sands, Stone, WOW, and Shaman from Nakamal@Home.

You'll have to ask Adi what he's supercritically extracting, but I thought it was the same stuff as the kava powder - cultivated Hawaiian kava, not primitive ISA Tuday uberkava.

I don't think it's a Kavain sensitivity if you're OK with Fijian, although the major kavalactone in that stuff is methysticin, which nonpluses me something fierce, although perhaps I should give it another look as a potent and non-toxic NF-jB inhibitor from kava, potentially responsible for kava’s chemopreventive activity.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
I play with a lot of different extracts and forms of kava and sometimes get a similar result.  A high influx of lactones (particulary kavain in a concentrated amount) does not seem to give the body a lot of time to adjust and can cause dopamine levels to rise and trigger some pleasant (or not so pleasant) feelings - thus *not* relaxing and perhaps become anxious....hmmm, it sounds like you may exhibit some of the same feelings with other ground root but not as pronounced as with the extract?