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Please help: How can I make tonight's Kava session the best?


Kava Enthusiast
Although I've utilized Kava for something like 3 years now (2x daily for the past year), I still feel like I don't fully understand it. And I've asked a similar thing to this before.

Typically I make a strong-ish batch (been using at least 1/3rd a cup dry medium grind) and drink 2 or 3 strong shells at the start.
Then I chase those with smaller shells.
This came from earlier experiences where I felt like I have to "Hit it hard up front" for the effects.

I don't LIKE doing it this way - it's just that 9 times out of 10... it feels like whatever I get on the front end, that's what I get.
There have only been a few times where shells spaced out seemed to build on each other.

So here's my question: When you have your Kava session tonight, will you be taking it slow, with multiple shells spaced apart? (15 minutes or so?)

It would be fantastic if this worked better than going big on the front-end, because I really do like the whole process of preparing it, getting in the zone (I get happy-feeling at the possibility of experiencing Kava's mood lift at the end of the day) and stretching things out, instead of the make-a-strong-dark-batch-and-consume-most-of-it-within-30-minutes approach.
I guess I'm mainly looking for "YES! Try smaller shells, spaced-out!", because I have this mindset of "If I start small, that's all I'm gonna get."
The more I think about it, the more it SEEMS that a spaced-out approach is best. I've heard islanders say they only feel the effects by shell 5 or 6 so... maybe I should roll with that.

What I have on-hand:
KWK Samoan Ava, Loa Waka, Vula Waka, and Special Variety
BKH Nambawan, Temo, and Nangol Noble
GHK Mo'i and Mahakea
Squanch Fijian Waka

I've been on the fence about whether Kava is suitable for those of us battling depression, but oddly... although it only "works" for me some of the time, I still look forward to it, and that alone - having something to look forward to - can be effective.

But it would be great if I can finally figure out a consistent rhythm with Kava.

To anyone who can help, I offer you my very sincere appreciation.
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Kava aficionado
When you have your Kava session tonight, will you be taking it slow, with multiple shells spaced apart? (15 minutes or so?)
I'm having 2 strong shells (4 gulps) within the next hour and that will be that tonight. Once or twice a month, I go on a kava drinking marathon. It's not necessarily better, just what I do occasionally. I really think the best results comes from 2 strong shells, eat something and maybe have another a few hours after, if you feel like it.


Kava Enthusiast
I'm having 2 strong shells (4 gulps) within the next hour and that will be that tonight. Once or twice a month, I go on a kava drinking marathon. It's not necessarily better, just what I do occasionally. I really think the best results comes from 2 strong shells, eat something and maybe have another a few hours after, if you feel like it.
Thank you for that. I really need to get better about incorporating FOOD into the mix.
I learned of Kava through K@ (oh to have discovered Kava first) and became somewhat of a slave to the empty stomach, for best effects.
Having 2 shells on empty, followed by food, and additional shells sounds like a fine idea. Probably better for me in the long-run, and should even help with the occasional nausea.

Thanks again!


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I drink 4 reasonably strong shells a night but I space them out by at least 45 minutes. I think this gives each shell enough time to show itself before I move on to the next. I drink mostly heavy kava so the kavain comes in first and it takes a bit longer usually for the DHK and DHM to come in behind it. I don't bother with food in the evening. I like a nice breakfast and lunch and then just fast/kava the rest of the day. It helps keep my weight down too.


70-80 g to 1 Liter-Day Dreamer- My Roots Run Deep-
Second shell 10 minutes after first shell. Third shel 15 minutes after second. All shells after that 20-40 min apart. Get that first big “hit” and then ride the wave of the more heavy sedative effects until u go to bed.


Kava Curious
I typically have two strong shells within thirty minutes. I then eat a small snack. If I'm feeling it later I may have another. Everyone is different and listen to your body. If you are not feeling it later do not force yourself to take another. This is important. I've found with me if I force myself to take another it will make me nauseated. I've found that "nauseas" feeling is actually the kava making your stomach numb and that tends to go away with eating.