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possible kava enhancer cobo


Kava Enthusiast
2g taurine with 50mg B6 supplement 1.5 hours before starting kava

I had stone kava (1cup root/ 3-4 cups water)

Taurine affects GABA and kava works on GABA (amount other neurotransmitters )

I'm not ruling out the placebo effect,  but it seems to enhance and prolong the 'all good' feeling.
Any one want to try?

some other things to try:

glutamine (raises GABA in the brain)
phrmaGABA (said to cross the blood brain barrier better than regular GABA)
phenibut (GABA that gets to the brain -- use with caution )
picamilon (GABA with niacin)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
This does not sound like a good idea.

Kava does effect neurotransmitters. It does that all by itself. Messing with them yourself and not letting kava do it's thing just seems like setting yourself up for something you don't want to happen.


Kava Curious
My thoughts would be, why try to enhance kava?  I don't even like adding the oil or lecithin.  It works good enough on it's own.  If you want to enhance the effects of kava, just drink more kava.  Just my humble opinion.


Kava Curious
I tend to agree with the last two posters. Most of us use kava for the gentle and natural effects, and we are happy about what it brings all by itself. I think that your curiosity and experiments are definitely worthy because it's good to know the interactions and what might potentiate/potentate kava, but be careful with experimenting on yourself.


Kava Enthusiast
"...just drink more kava...."

That doesn't work for me. I don't know the physiology of kava or know any Vanuatu natives to compare effects to, but there is a definite peak, drinking more doesn't get past that. I'm talking about the euphoric aspect of kava. Yes, drinking more will make your muscles more relaxed but not change the duration of the euphoria. Kava is very interesting and every few months I seem to experiment with combos.

BTW, is it just me or that this year's kava products are not the same quality of last years?

Don't get me wrong, Kava is great, I'm just trying to find it's potential.


Kava Curious
I know what you mean about the flitting nature of the euphoria experienced with kava.  It's a short but beautiful high followed by only successive sedation.  I find that drinking very small ammounts over extended time lengthens the euphoric sensation.  Strong bowls tend to give a short euphoric high and then heavy sedation followed shortly by heavy snoring.  When I drink weaker kava, or smaller quantities and pace myself, the euphoria gradually builds up and stays around quite a bit longer.  I can then take the heavy stuff at the end to knock my muscles to jelly and slip into a deep sleep. 

Has anyone else noticed that the spell check on this site highlights the word "kava"? 
