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potato ricer for kava

hey guys I recently started to use a potato ricer with a muslin cloth and it seems to be working great in lieu of kneading, I have arthritis so its not an easy task. has anyone tried it? am I missing out on the full strength by doing this?

I put the kava in the muslin bag and then use the potato ricer, then you have to adjust the bag again and apply the ricer to squeeze even more out



Kava Enthusiast
Well, I assume that, because a potato ricer forces what’s in it through a bunch of small holes, it should be pretty similar to kneading, and, therefore, it should be similar in potency, as well. I’ve never heard of anyone using a potato ricer, though, so I don’t think anyone can really say, for sure, whether or not the potency is just as good as traditional prep. I’ve only heard of people using a blender, and I can’t remember what those people’s conclusions, about potency, were.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
If I had to use that method, I'd first mix my kava powder and water together and stir it in a bowl, to get all the fine particles into the water -- then I'd set the strainer in another bowl and pour the kava+water into the strainer and squeeze the water out of the bag -- when most of the water is out of the bag, then I'd squeeze the rest out with the poatato ricer.