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Kava is a fickle beast. certain nights, it will hit me hard. Then other nights doing the same things will deliver more mild results. I love the gifts when they come. Well, they come all the time, just bigger sometimes than others. I have learned to appreciate the mystery of what is coming.


Kava Enthusiast
Around 45 minutes to an hour if I eat anything really fatty that tends to do it, I haven't run into anything else that does though enough for me to notice.

I don't think I ever said that but I wish I had. Of course, that's just for me, and then there may be many folks with the complete opposite reaction. Drives me nuts sometimes it's so hard to predict exactly how people will respond. What we know is there's this range of responses...... vast areas of overlap in our Venn diagrams but lots of outliers here and there.
I get no boost from caffeine from kava and the combination always combats the kava but doesn't totally make it useless. It's just very uncomfortable for me.


I didn't dive into this WHOLE thread, but I've actually found eating ramen or spicy curry is a great way to take 3 tbsp of kava into "feels like 6 tbsp of kava". Potentiating is only a bad idea if you're already more than krunk enough on the kava alone. If you wanna eat some panang later, why not save some kava and go easy? Then enjoy the meal-induced potentiating effect.


David H.

Kava Curious
This has probably already been mentioned, but hot milk does it for me. Used to be hot food, but for some reason kava obliterates my appetite as of late.