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Powdered Kava Review Pouni Ono


Kava aficionado
{"Grade":10,"Potency":8,"Mind":6,"Body":6,"Anxiety":10,"Sedative":4,"Taste":"10","Preparation":"1/4 cup with 500 ml cold water","Duration":"All night","SideEffects":"None","Headline":"Smooth"}
I picked a 1/2 pound on Amazon a few days ago and I have drank it a few times since then and it is quite delicious. You can tell it is fresh by the smell upon opening the bag. It has a very distinct aroma and brews an oily grog with very little powder. I usually measure out in 2/3 of a cup at a time but I have been treating this kava like a Vanu and only using 1/4 cup and it is all that is needed for a nice 2 wash, approximate liter from both washes.

It has a very mild taste which will be good for many beginners, it is also surprisingly strong for a Tongan. I find myself satisfied with 2 washes almost every time. Today I brewed out the equivalent of a half cup, throughout the day, keeping the shells far apart, in order to maintain a nice relaxing buzz all day.

Overall I recommend it, it's easy to buy, affordable and I even saw a kilo for sale, which will be the next logical purchase.