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Powdering my Powder with my Magic Bullet


Kava Curious
Being a newbie and all I don't know if this is necessarily a good idea but I put my Fu'u in my Magic Bullet Blender and ground it to silt! I would like to think it helps with breaking it down for quicker absorption.  I then let it soak in water for the day. Is the extra grinding a waste of time? Thx.


Kava Enthusiast
I'm a newbie too, but I would say not. I've seen enough people that do it that it's not a waste (at least to them). Most people seem to grind it up more after they've milked it for a spell though, rather than before. I'm not sure why exactly.

From what I've observed, soaking it is a bigger deal. Getting the kava all nice and softened for squishing.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Letting it soak in water for a full 24 hours is a tad overkill but it should be fine as long as you get to it with a quickness the next day. Brewed kava only has a shelf life of about 3 days in general before it tastes funny so that's something to think about. If it works for you then that's cool. I don't think anyone on the forum has the exact same way of brewing up a bowl of kava as someone else.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
If you get kava that isn't micronized, then grinding the dry root in a magic bullet probably makes sense to get the particles a bit finer.

I usually make my kava for the next day in the evening, I tend to get home after 7pm so it's convenient to drink right when I get home and not eat dinner too late.