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Kava Blend Review Premium Blend Kava Powder


Kava aficionado
I picked this up last week after hearing about the kavas blended in this batch. (Fijian, Samoan & Nangol Noble). I have had the Nangol Noble on it's on and it blew me away (very heavy and sedating). Heavy kavas are not my first go to type, even though the Nangol was/is probably the exception.

I drank this kava on three separate occasions before writing this review to get a good understanding of the effects. This is probably one of the better blends I have tried in many moons. It has the expected sedating component I have come to expect from Nangol but the addition of the Fijian and Samoan kavas round it out nicely.

The first night I tried it, I went a bit heavy on it (about 7 tbs), to get a full sense of the kava. I felt wonderful with the most noticeable effects being sedation and a grin that I have come to expect from Fijian kavas (my usual choice). As I have noticed with many heavier kavas this one was similar in the sense that it was euphoric for the first couple hours and than the sedation/heaviness kicks in.

I have since drank this kava 2 more times, including first thing this morning (2 Aluballs, 4 tbs). I still feel all the qualities I described above but not as intensely. In short, I'm really enjoying this blend and will probably buy a bigger bag in the near future.

Deleted User01

Nice review @KrunkyMonkey. I like heady kavas too but on Fridays or stressful days, I do like myself some sedation. It's good to have different kavas for different occasions. When I get ready to select a kava, you can often hear me say, "For the occasion he chose ......" I also say that when I go to the closed to select a tee shirt to go with my Jeans.. :D


Kava aficionado
Thank you for your review. I also prefer heady Kavas, but am looking for a heavier, more sedating kava for later in the evening.
This is a great one as is Nangol noble, I went back to the website and they are both sold out :(...I figured I might as well buy a pound. It's worth the wait :)