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Prince Philip Now Has Absolute Power!

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
Kavasseur has handed over the crown to Prince Philip. The founder of the board is fading off into the landscapes of East Africa and needed someone disinterested in power to take reigns of this unruly beast. The Kava Lounge, known for its mellowness, now needs yet another disinterested and completely neutral personality to sweep away the Spam and wait for the day when a herd of club-toting trolls finally makes its way our way.


Kava Lover
Sorry to see you go! This thread has been a major help to kava drinkers everywhere. I salute you, my good sir!

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Does this mean I have to own Corgis? My Yorkie is due for an upgrade after all. He's getting too bitey. I'm all for the tea and crumpets though. Yay Phillip.


Congratulations Pwince. I promise not to tell Betty. It will be our little secret. (smiley: laugh)


Kava Enthusiast
Phillip you should totally rule this place like a tyrant. Ban somebody your first day just to put the fear of god into people....


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Vesuvio Cat said:
I imagine you'll still be seeing me around quite a lot. I am, after all, the Kavasseur.
Ya better come around every once in a while. Do you really want to get messages from the prince every day about my inconsolable bawling?(smiley: tired)
Didn't think so.(smiley: grin)

uuku pi

Kava Enthusiast
I know you have to go ...but ...I feel a sadness because you saved me from Kona Kava and turned me on to Paradise and Adil and I will miss you.;)


Kava Enthusiast
Thanks Doug. I think your efforts have bought kava to hundreds of people who would never have encountered it otherwise, me included. If there were some kind of hall of fame for services to the kava world, you'd definitely have been inducted long ago (smiley: happy)

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Writing with such flair...while being krunked, is surely an art form. 

midas wrote:Thanks Doug. I think your efforts have bought kava to hundreds of people who would never have encountered it otherwise, me included. If there were some kind of hall of fame for services to the kava world, you'd definitely have been inducted long ago (smiley: happy)