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Pure Samoan Kava?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Anyone ever hear about this? It's by an outfit called Paradise Gyps in Western Samoa.

They have there own website but I punched in Kava Root on ebay just for kicks and found a listing for them. They seem legit. The price is fair per pound and the shipping isn't bad. It's easier to order from ebay. These guys are running on a dial up modem! Ouch.

Paradise Gypsy

What say you fellow KL members?


Kava Curious
They've been around a couple years at least. Not really sure why I haven't tried their kava yet...maybe its time. Mostly I've been eyeing their kava bowl selection.


Kava Curious
I got a pound last week it’s not a bad Kava but the effects are not strong and short lived for me. The vender shipped the same day  USPS  and it took about 3 weeks to arrive. Overall I’d compare it to a weak Fuji. It's won’t go to waste but Rex is much better for a couple $’s more and it gets here in 3 days.


Kava Curious
After now going thru most of the pound I have to say it’s almost not worth the effort to make.

A hint of relaxation shortly after ingesting and then nothing.

Tried making it @ double strength (4 heaping tablespoons per Cup) and it didn’t improve at all

I’d call this Kava busted(Bored).