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Question about Fu'u experience.


Kava Curious
I purchased a 1/2 pound of Fu'u about a week ago, and have been consuming a fair amount everyday.

When I started, the first time I drank it, I got very very mild relaxing and euphoric effect. And I mean really mild. I did 1 tablespoon for 1 cup of water, and drank 2 cups.
Then one night I had 3 cups and...I felt like I could barely walk.....such profound effect. Felt like i was glued to the couch. Extremely relaxing. I'd honestly compare it to having a few beers. Didn't think kava was capable of that. I loved it.
But since then I've been having the same amount and don't really feel anything close to the profound effect I described earlier.
Could I be building tolerance from daily use like that? Is my body still adjusting or something? I'd be very sad if I never get that effect again :(


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
It'll take a while to fully adjust. I don't know how long. A couple weeks, a couple months. Some people are lucky. I've given kava to a couple people for there first time and they felt like they couldn't drive afterwards.

I gave my dad a few doses of kava in various forms over the course of a couple weeks and the effects lasted 15-20 minutes longer each time for him.


Kava Curious
Yeah If I drove I would have to struggle to make it to my destination haha.

So your saying the effects are sporadic until it normalizes after a 2-4 weeks or so?


Kava Enthusiast
When I first was starting I noticed that the experiences were pretty inconsistent. I couldn't nail down what I was doing differently. After about a month they got much stronger and more consistent. I felt virtually nothing at first though, so you seem like one of the lucky ones who really soak it up!


Kava Curious
My one intense experience...it just crept up slowly but surely. Before I knew it i was like..."oh this is what they all are talking about on kavalounge"!  

Kept getting stronger...and stronger...and stronger....and stronger. 

When people say "don't attempt to drive after using kava" I always just wrote them off and said ehh....i'll be fine. Apparently not.....


Pretentious, Wannabe Philosopher
Although the extent of the "reverse tolerance" phenomenon many here have mentioned differs greatly between people, you will most likely become (more) stabilized. Everything from your initial state of mental and physical wellbeing at the time of consuming kava to the way your surroundings and company influence the entire experience sway your perception one way or another. Sometimes I find an experience to be lackluster, while other times a batch made with the exact same method and ingredients will be more pleasurable than usual. Kava's effects are circumstantial and environmental to some extent, at least for me. Fortunately, the unpredictability is kind of fun for me, and hopefully when the physiological aspect stabilizes for you, you will find the guessing game as fun as I. The little nuances of kava are so fun to dissect.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Could the difference be caused by the way you prepare it or your own physical state when drinking? Kava will be most effective on an empty stomach, and usually when drank later in the day. Had you had more or less coffee the day you felt more effect? Have you tried a cup of tea or a small warm meal after drinking kava? Ni-Van people will tell you that increases the effect. There are definitely some variables.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
There is nothing wrong with experimenting with prep either. Just because there are established ways we commonly make it doesn't mean messing around is totally pointless.

Today I threw some Tongan in a cup of water and made like I was beating an egg with a spoon. After it looked like swirling dirt in chocolate milk I dumped it through a kitchen strainer and slammed it.

Gritty for sure but it was a very nice boost before I got dragged on a fruoo-fruoo shopping trip for no other reason than they wanted to lollygag around. It worked.


Kava Curious
I've been doing the same method of preparation the entire time. I've just been throwing it into a cup and mixing it. I think this is called "toss and wash". I read that since the Fu'u is such a fine kava that this prep is ok to do. Do you think the amount of time I mix affects the severity of effect?

Had 3 tablespoons in 3 cups of water again today on an empty stomach. Noticable but nowhere near that really intense experience. I'll keep trying!


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
RounderIII said:
I've been doing the same method of preparation the entire time. I've just been throwing it into a cup and mixing it. I think this is called "toss and wash". I read that since the Fu'u is such a fine kava that this prep is ok to do. Do you think the amount of time I mix affects the severity of effect?

Had 3 tablespoons in 3 cups of water again today on an empty stomach. Noticable but nowhere near that really intense experience. I'll keep trying!
If it's a really fine grind I don't think so.


Kava Enthusiast
I used fu'u like an instant and it worked great. I found that it was too fine and was very hard to strain with a strainer bag so I just mixed a tbl spoon in with a cup of water and chugged. I never had any issues and it worked just fine. It's the only kava I've ever been able to do that with. I recommend getting another strain with a high DHM amount as well BKH has borogu and boroguro which are great, I love the boroguro. Test around and see what kavalactones call lot to you.


Kava Enthusiast
I thought I was going to be able to do that with the Van3 I just got since it looks so fine... but it's full of chunky bits too. *GACK*


Kava Curious
Makes me sick just thinking about it...If only kava tasted extremely delicious. 

I'm definitely not a fan of the taste at all....
I think i might keep buying fu'u cause i'm too lazy to strain (smiley: ohwell).
The price is good and its working. No need to change...for now.


Kava Enthusiast
I like the taste, but getting grime in my kava really does make me want to urp. Fu'u is fine enough (and consistently fine enough) that I have no problems no matter how I try to make it.