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Question for people who like the taste of kava.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I find it very hard to enjoy the taste of Kava, and as I was sitting, starting blankly into the wood of my back porch last night after consuming my mug of Stone kava I thought these two things may correlate to each other.

Out of the people here who enjoy or at least can well tolerate the bitterness of kava how many of you also enjoy coffee with no cream or sugar or Black? I've always had a hunch that some people have more bitter receptors than others. In fact, here is the website which makes me think that this also carries through to Kava drinkers.http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/traits/ptc/


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I used to drink 151 proof rum (Potter's not Bacardi...blegh!(smiley: sick)) straight...what does that tell you.(smiley: laugh)


Kava Enthusiast
I enjoy the taste of kava, but not enough to sip and savor it.

I've always loved bitter stuff... bitter chocolate, black coffee, black licorice, etc.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Taste wise - Warm ISA beverage is pure punishment :)

A light, ice cold, fresh beverage (from kava koot which was meticulously cleaned), on the other hand, is unmatched by any other form of kava.


Kava Enthusiast
Back when I was a hopeless drunk I would drink the 15$ half gallon ghetto scotch or rum straight which like one step up from nail polish remover. Also after heavy periods of K@ drinking to ween of suboxone in addition to turkish mint which is the most nasty tea imaginable, kava is pretty mellow. I wouldn't say that I enjoy it, I simply am not phased by the taste.

HFS Vecta I was unaware there is a ghettofied 151 rum! I can't imagine the ruggedness of that.....

I find drinking cold helps and adding soy lechtin makes it even more brutal. Coconut water helps sometimes, but sometimes it tastes even weirder.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Bacardi was horrific, I wouldn't even feed that to an empty paint thinner can. Potters 151 actually had a flavor under all the jet fuel.
This thread as got me thinking...I wonder how this would be in carbonated water. Other than kava the fizz of carbonated water relaxes me for some reason. Next logical step...put them together.(smiley: grin)


Kava Enthusiast
My wife instructed me to tell you all that adding icecream to kava works the best.


Kava Curious
I prefer coffee hefty and strong, oaky wines, dark and cool (not cold) ales, and all sorts of earthy flavors. I go for stanky cheeses and eat foods as hot and spicy as humanly possible, but kava? I can honestly say I enjoy the taste of only a few. I will go as far as to say I like the flavor of all of BKH's grinds but concerning the strains I find most effective, I still hold my breath and chug. I even eat a wedge of pineapple or a handful of cocktail onions before I exhale. It seems to have less to do with flavor and more to do with my belly's instinct to expel harsh strains.


Kava Curious
That's an interesting link. I don't mind the taste of kava, I don't love it, but it's fine. I prefer black coffee and quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I've done. But anyway, if your link was accurate, you've got the advantage with more taste receptors. I like a lot of the foods Modernaught listed. I'd always attributed my tolerance for strong tastes to my really lousy sense of smell, but maybe there's another cause.


Kava for me is something I'd rather chug, lol, but it's alright. Certain kavas I absolutely love. I love the kavas, I usually notice this with Vanuatu kavas, that have that "smokey - piney - peppery" combo that just smacks you in the face, now I LOVE that. I could sip that, warm or cold. Other kavas, maybe like a more hefty PNG kavas like chief's jungle, I need to add ice to in order to really chill it so I can slam it fast. Blagh.

But I do thoughtfully enjoy the blackest cup of coffee as well. So long as you don't burn the coffee, that is.


Kava Curious
I use to be able to drink kava easy. After the one month break I had this summer though. Ahhhhhh, I start to gag after a large shell now. I'm sure my kava drinking skills will come back soon though. I'm with Vekta, cold kava is pretty easy to down. I think my kava gaging was all that green tea I started using instead. It's just way too soothing! I don't drink coffee, but when I do, I like it plain and strong. I like my teas plain too, except for jasmine. That might be because of good memories associated with that though. I've never drunk distilled spirits though, I'm against drinking.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Thanks for all the input. I'm hoping I'll wake up one day and I'll love it. I still do love kava, but the taste... Eventually.


Kava Curious
I received a bag of Paradise Isa a few days ago and have tried it for the second time tonight. I can easily say it's one of the most palatable kavas to date; very enjoyable. I still have no interest in sipping the stuff but I love this flavor. I intend to try it tomorrow night with the addition of sweetened coconut milk, which never fails.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
I just made a small batch this weekend and stuck it in the fridge...after a few hours , I put some Coffee-mate "cafe latte" creamer in it - I gotta say..that was really good and was very smooth.  I can drink coffee or kava straight, no problem but i just drink more (sometimes a lot more) if I have a little something in there to really savor and enjoy it.