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Quick question on straining Kava


Kava Curious
I've been using a paint strainer for straining Chief's kava, which worked well since it's a coarse cut. Today I just received an order from Bula Kava House and their kava is very fine and I'm wondering if I can get a good strain using a t-shirt. Any thoughts on using a t-shirt as a strainer?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Just about any material that you can squeeze water through can be used as a strainer. Just be careful what you use though. Some t-shirts and fabrics can leech dye( or bleach) into the water which is not something we want.


Kava Enthusiast
idk about other but i still use the paint strainer from n@h on all of bkh blends. i soak it loose the hit it with the stick blender a couple secs and then pour it through and knead for a few minutes, if you feel thee is too much grit in your grog then strain again. i was actually i the same boat as you with having used the paint strainer for only chiefs and weary of using it for finer grinds. but i gave it a shot and have stuck with it thus far.


Kava Enthusiast
I started with t-shirt. It didn't work well for me, busted open on the first try.


Kava Curious
I guess I'll try the paint strainer tomorrow. I ended up using  a small teabag strainer tonite, but I could'nt really knead it to well. I wonder if that's why my first experience with bkh was less than impressive.


Kava Lover
I used to use t shirts when I first started. Any thin but strong cloth will work fine. I just cut out a piece of the t shirt and have at it. I have only had a t shirt break once, and that was after extended use. But definitely try the strainer because that will let through a lot of kava that will give you a nice krunk.

uuku pi

Kava Enthusiast
I have not gone to get my paint strainer yet,however I think nylon stockings work great for the fine stuff. I wash them real well first to make sure all previous laundry additives are gone. I f you get new ,you might want to wash before you use to remove sizing. I saw Adil using them one time on an old video.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
I think the cheapo nylons are good, but not the best for our fine ground Hawaiian Powder. Perhaps fine for Fijian and other Islands kava however. Try our new strainer bags, they are pretty decent.


I don't strain mine...I just throw like 3 or 4 tbs in a vita mix with water that is about 120f .... i put in a little bit of coconut oil in for fat , and blend it on slow for 10 minutes..... yes...... I just drink it down.


Kava Enthusiast
Definitely get a Fijian strainer bag. I got mine from Paradise and it blows every other straining method I've used out of the water. Not only can it handle the finest grinds effortlessly, it is also basically indestructible. Usually a muslin bag would really only be good for about a kilo of hand squeezed kava before it got so clogged or just ripped, not to mention how frustrating and user unfriendly it was. The Fijian ones are really big and I never realized before how big is much better in addition they are super easy to clean and dry almost instantly. I have put several kilos of kava through my Fijian strainer from PK and it is still in perfect condition, no clogs or rips.