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Powdered Kava Review Quila Leka


A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
Here we go again, it's the weekend and because I didn't have the time to prepare a grog yesterday (Saturday) I'm doing so today.

I'd begin by showcasing the end of the preparation because I took some photos during the process afterwards for another thread but I can't post any photos taken by my phones camera for some strange reason o_O. @HeadHodge Are you out there somewhere buddy? This's turning into a real headache over yonder. :LOL:

Since that didn't work I'll get right into my description. :rolleyes: First of all the color of this brew actually resembles a Vanuatu cultivar (Boroguru) rather than a fijian but it's markedly lighter in taste than even the Boroguru from Ghk...or many Hawaiian kavas. Hanakapi ai' is more astringent than this kava if that's any comparison. (y) Some would venture to say that's to be expected but you truly never know; honestly it was a pleasant surprise. That's not to say I drink kava for the taste but this's a review and it just happens to be something I have a tough time communicating or often mis-interpret.

I'm tapering off of the final stages of a week of sickness and any relief is welcomed...suffice to say that's exactly what I'm experiencing. :happy: My muscle tension has eased into the loosened warmth I've grown so fond of; in unison my head is swimming with clarity brought on by the headiness. I can lay down to while away the day or get up, tackle a tough job, then proceed to do it again with confidence. The effects are not singular to one limb or section but congeal around my entire body as if I've put on a full body sweater on a cold day (without the sedation produced by other kavas).:joyful:

Before delving into the grog today I felt as if it wouldn't be anything "eventful", in contrast I couldn't be more wrong because that same thought is a common one before every grog prep. I don't think that in a disrespectful manner but more so in a way which ceases any and all preconceived notions or expectations; this's done in order to prevent interjecting what I've read so far on a cultivar I'm about to give a review for.

Lastly I love a cultivar which has the ability to enhance cognitive function whilst targeting muscle pain or tension at the source. Qila Leka is the mood re-shaper when it comes to long lasting energetic relaxation; a true needle in a haystack when it comes to congruent affects, and a cultivar which's malleable to your day, not the other way around.(y)

Be aware though, my 5Tbsp doesn't hold a fork to what 8 might do...I'd likely be telling a story that ends with "Qila leka the mind shake-a, potency break-a" if that'd been the amount consumed.:sneaky:

Edit-It has been a couple hours for sure and the Qila Leka's going strong (note the "Energizer bunny" description change in custom fields).

The headiness is *very* prevalent ::ooooohhhhz::...so much so I'm quite taken aback by it...the muscle melting power has yet to wain either but wow I'm grinning ear to ear.:D
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A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
Great Review Thanks!! (y)
You'a leeka, they'a leeka, Qila all leeka.
Check my update HeadHodge. I can't say for sure because kava's mysterious in how it works for each individual but since you're a fan of headiness this might be one for you!:wideyed: Depending on the occasion I love all kava, and this's a great kava for w/e's planned...maybe not large amounts during work though. :LOL: