So I made a nice 8 cups water to 1 cup kava (8 tbs Vanuatu Isa/Tudei and 8 tbs Fiji waka) and drank about 4 shells last night. Normal effects, great taste, slept well. I stored the rest in a pitcher in the fridge. Tonight, I opened up that pitcher and poured no more than 2 shells, and am krunked beyond my own comprehension. Very nice, I must admit, but it caught me by surprise. Kava usually always effects me differently each time I consume it, but never with this much of an impact.
Has anyone else noticed kava becoming stronger after leaving it in the fridge? I have a theory that a good majority of sediment that didn't get strained/mixed very well had much more time to settle to the bottom of my pitcher while sitting in the fridge for about 20 hours. Giving the shells a heavier dose of said sediment, which I hear is where many kavalactones are stored. Either that, or the prolonged cold does some more extracting while it sits there. Who knows.
Ah, I think I'm rambling. Share your thoughts on this! Might just be the wonderful krunkness but I'd love to hear of your next day kava stories. (smiley: roll)
P.S. My apologies if this is already a discussion.
Has anyone else noticed kava becoming stronger after leaving it in the fridge? I have a theory that a good majority of sediment that didn't get strained/mixed very well had much more time to settle to the bottom of my pitcher while sitting in the fridge for about 20 hours. Giving the shells a heavier dose of said sediment, which I hear is where many kavalactones are stored. Either that, or the prolonged cold does some more extracting while it sits there. Who knows.
Ah, I think I'm rambling. Share your thoughts on this! Might just be the wonderful krunkness but I'd love to hear of your next day kava stories. (smiley: roll)
P.S. My apologies if this is already a discussion.