The last slide is a bit unclear, I am guessing that "*" means that it makes a difference, but what the heck do they mean by "ns" normally it would mean "not significant". Also, the chart on the previous page does not appear to jive 100% with the conclusions, e.g. trial #13 appears to have the most kavalactones at 54% and it is a "K" for kneading, but it is also frozen fresh root. I guess they must have averaged the results for kneading across all kneading trials or something. Also, the way that the trials are sorted seems random and not logical, I would guess it was the order in which they did the trials. Normally, when you are doing an experiment, you hold several variables constant and vary one variable to see how it affects the result, it would be good to hit some intermediate data points to see if there is really a trend, for example temperature, or 2:1 water to kava.