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Resetting and helping repair your GABA system in the brain


Kava Enthusiast
Hello @ll,

I wonder if some people have some input on this issue.

One very interesting input I found some years ago, sadly I can't find the source again. It is about the plant "brahmi" which can help to repair the GABA "system" (receptors/region) in the brain. It was very detailed, why and how and how much one would have to consume daily for a longer period of time (I guess at least 2 months). It depends on your weight. When I remember right it was 18gr for my weight I had back then (90kg). I tried to mix brahmi in a shaker with water, but 18gr of brahmi -this is really hard, the taste...

So I bought an extract two years ago, which should be still good. It is a 4:1 Extrakt and I am not so sure if a quarter of the plant material dosage is enough then.

The issue with this finding was, they said if you don't use enough it has almost zero effect, the effect starts when you take enough for your weight you have. And this is lots of plant material. To me the only realistic way would be caps and extract.

Slowly I guess that my GABA system is just effed up due to benzo addiction back then and perhaps it wasn't "normal" from the beginning or since I smoked too much weed at a young age, even though weed doesn't affect GABA receptors (in the first place).

So it isn't about repairinig a "Kava damage" - that's not what I am asking for, but I could imagine if some have a hard time without kava and are very used to it, that some GABA system repairing could be good for you, too, perhaps?!

Someone has some other input as well?

If I find the study again they did, I'll post the brahmi-gaba study afterwards!