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Reverse Tolerance Duration


Kava Curious
I've been drinking kava for about 3 months now.  At first I was drinking pretty much every day (~6 days a week).  Around two months in I felt like the effects started to stabilize.
I felt like I still needed more than most people to feel the effects.  I typically do 1/2 cup kava to 4-6 cups water, depending on the strength of the strain.  (I've always preferred a less potent drink.  Drinking a specific amount of kavalactones slowly over the course of an hour or two gives me much longer effects than taking a super strong shot or two of the same amount.)  Either way I got to a place where I would consistently feel great using my standard prep.
After I hit this point though I slowed down to 2-3 times a week.  But now I barely feel anything.  In the meantime I've switched to stronger strains (from BKH's Fu'u and Boruguru to N@H's Stone, Chiefs, and Wow), I switched from a muslin to fijan strainer bag (which should let a lot more of the finer particles through, making it stronger), and I've even gotten into better habits of making sure my stomach is empty when I drink.  Yet as I said, the effects are barely noticeable now.
Curious if this had anything to do with reverse tolerance, I drank the last three days in a row.  Since I'm off work I'm drinking in the morning when the effects are the strongest.  The first day was Chiefs.  For the second day I went ~22 hours without eating anything solid and had Paradise's 9yo ISA.  Barely noticable.  Today however, I made a batch of Fu'u, which has always been pretty weak for me, but I feel great!
So does the "reverse tolerance" buildup only last for a very short period of time?  I'm trying to think if there was anything else I've changed over the last month that could account for the lessened effects.  Am I just having bad luck?
I've also been noticing, sometimes when I do have a weak session, about half-way through my batch I'll feel it building up pretty strongly.  Almost to the point where I'm wondering if I should actually take that next drink.  But whether or not I do, the effects I'm feeling will completely disappear over the course of five minutes.  It builds up stronger and stronger, then poof, it's gone.  I didn't eat or drink anything, I didn't suddenly start exercising, I didn't go through an extreme weather change.  I'm just laying on the couch watching TV and it completely disappears.  And this has happened a decent amount of times over the last month.  I'm lost on that one...
That was kinda long.  I welcome opinions, ideas, comments.  Otherwise, I always feel better when I rant a bit.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Hard to say what's going on. After a while, real tolerance seems to build up. Otherwise, you wouldn't have people drinking a gallon a day. It could be the slow-down, though, negating the kava training you've put your body through. I advise drinking daily, but not too much. ("Too much" is your call, of course). Good luck, either way.


Kava Lover
Try cutting down on caffeine or cutting it out completely. If I have more than 1 to 2 cups of coffee in the morning I notice it weakens the krunk. I would also advise lowering sugar intake. Hope you find a good balance with your krunk!