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Reverse tolerance

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Bought some micronized gourmet Hawaiian and had a little bit more then a tablespoon and felt absolutely nothing. That was a few days ago. My anxiety and stress levels are fairly high in general and were particularly high when I took it so I'm not sure how much that could play into it. I just mixed it with some water and swallowed, felt that "numbing" feeling in my mouth but thats about as far as effects go.

Can you make an suggestions on what to do and the frequency etc to feel the effects? I've tried K@ and I liked it, but I am looking for something to do on a daily basis for helping with my anxiety as an alternative to what I consider to be dangerous pharmaceuticals. Also trying to avoid Alcohol which I was self medicating for a bit with.

Have some KWK Pouin Uno and Bourgo aswell, though the sizes are basically sample ones. This stuff is quite expensive so I'd really like to feel it before I run out so I know it will be worth buying more. :)

Peace and love.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Welcome aboard!

First, I would recommend taking it on an empty stomach if you did not (about ~4hrs fasting). I'd do a tablespoon at a time and take one every hour up to 3 or 4 until you feel something. Tablespoon is about a threshold dose for me, so it's not too surprising that you didn't feel anything.

Keep trying, kava is a great anxiolytic suitable for regular use.


Kava aficionado
Welcome, keep drinking it everyday, perhaps increase the strength a bit, like 2 tbs per 12 oz of water, it will eventually build up on your system. It's frustrating in the beginning but worth it when you "break through".
Thank you for your warm welcomes. I will give it another shot and try to be consistent.

Another question, if I take a break for a while do you find that it "exits your system" and must "build up" again in your experience? Just curious.
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