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Kava Enthusiast
Hey guys, got a few Kavas that haven't been reviewed on here much or ever. 
The Kava's:
Fiji from paradiseSuper van epi van from ktbotanicalsTana van from ktbotanicals
First one I'm trying is ktbotanicals super vanuatu:
Dose of 3 tbsps, letting it soak currently, will probably consume tonight after work.
Initial impressions, It looks an awful lot like black bag from BKH, it is a light in color, but has a greenish tinge to it. It is also has a moderate scent, nothing overpowering like previous kavas. The grind is ultra fine, not paradise kava micronized but a fine fluffy powder. My previous test with ktbot's kava was very good, I had the tana van previously and was very very happy with it. Felt like the good batch of van3 that was floating around. Very intoxicating and heady. But alas, I will try the new batch I have and report back later wrt that kava. Tonights it's the new kid on the block the epi island super van.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
The place seems alright. They even have the island and region they get it from which is nice. 
That Savu Savu from Fiji looks pretty good.


Kava Enthusiast
Vekta said:
The place seems alright. They even have the island and region they get it from which is nice. 
That Savu Savu from Fiji looks pretty good.

It is hands down the best herbal store on the net, They are a legit ethanobot research place, were perhaps the first to have K@ and have real regional stuff. They have stuff you have never heard of and I can't say enough about the quality of their product.
With that said, super epi van kava review:
25 minutes after three tbsp shell and I'm krunk here. I keep forgetting what I'm going to write and feel highly intoxicated. I think this is something like black bag, it even tastes the same. I feel warm and cozy and haven't changed posture in far too long, Im stoned.
It wasn't super oily upon kneading which made me think it would be trashy, but It's very good. Not my favorite, It's a little too intoxicating and sedating for me personally, I am getting very tired so it is likely high in dhm and kavain. I tend to like alot of one and little of the other, both being high tends to make me super tired and pass out.
taste was fine, I honestly slam my kava and don't pay attention to taste. 
It doesnt have the empathogenic feeling of black bag and it's very heavy handed, I can't remember my problems of which I have many right now, the pain in my back is gone and I just want to be alone and enjoy the darkness. In terms of kava's I have ingested this is close to the best. It is more intoxicating then black bag which was that, but lacks the super comfortable feeling. It is heady like van3 but really strong in the body as well, my eyes are gone full retard and I having trouble seeing. This is the most intoxicating kava i have tried so far, more so then paradise isa. I will chime in tom when I'm not under the influence and ultra bias. I give this kava my highest praise. It's pricey no doubt but very very good.


Kava Enthusiast
Super van:

Good quality kava, a little heavy handed, I went to bed about an hour after consuming and was literally falling asleep watching tv, which for me is a rarity. A little carry over into today nothing abnormal but certainly has a significant amount of DHK/DHM.

top shelf stuff. Feels similar to black bag skewed towards fiji waka from rex if that makes sense. It doesn't have the giddy euphoria but sedation and intoxication.


Kava Enthusiast
Fijian from Paradise kava:

First off, packaging is hot burning fire, just top shelf here. Looks like powdered gold in a bag. Taste was light, Not very bitter and a little creamy if that makes sense.

Effects, this kava is not overpowering, it will not make you feel intoxicated, this is a clean, pure kava. I feel very relaxed yet in tune with everything, some kavas are like shotguns (Which I like) and some are rifles more precise and targeted, this is how I would classify this. It is a nice mix of head and body, I have a light tingle in my head, relaxation but not overpowering sleepyness I generally get from kava's. My thinking is clear and my head is cleared of fuzz.

This is a grade A kava for all the reasons my other one (super van) misses. This is a weekday kava, imo, the other was a weekend kava. This is a kava that will make you feel clean and fresh, relaxed and alert. It is very very nice, the lack of heaviness for the effects i have are boggling my mind, I feel couchlocked often, yet with this kava I am not moving yet feel light and unincumbered.

I will report on my sleep and next day effects. Dosage, 3 tbsps.

top notch shite, Adil.


Kava Enthusiast
Edit, just ate and the effects were taken up a notch, mediocre krunkness going on. If there was a door in which krunkness was on the other side, I have picked the lock and taken a peek inside.


Kava Enthusiast
Just browsing the web but the food kicked this up several notches, perhaps it's a creeper but this is the most head high I have ever had, Everything feels like it's spinning, I've kicked the door down and am pillaging now, I krunked, Don't know how this occured, but the ingestion of food at least doubled the buzz, it's still clean and not heavy but my balance is gone and I'm intoxicated. I will perhaps attempt this strain tomorrow and report back, this may be idiosyncratic but 3 tbsps shouldn't do this to me.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
That Fijian sounds good. That is the one island I haven't had any kava from yet.


Kava Enthusiast
It's really good stuff, I am majorly impressed, I will try again tonight, but after eating last night it was incredibly strong.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I've got some Fijian waiting in my PO Box up at the farm. Can't wait to try it! Sounds great! (And I will be posting a review on Kavasseur once I try it).


Kava Enthusiast
Tried the fijian again tonight, very nice again, nothing overwhelming, not sure what happened the other night, but nice. It's clean, calming and heady. I would say 80% head, 20% body, but others may want to chime in.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
NDG, great play by play there. Looks like you posted a review up here (There is a $25 Gift Card Prize being drawn on Sep 21 for all Fijian Reviews submitted on the website. Enter it. look at our sub section on the forum for more)

Agree. Clear head, motor skill loss, low next day carryover and I'm adding great taste! Second to fresh only.

Looks like it was worth waiting over one year to carry this exact kava from Kadavu, South Fiji.

EDIT - Thanks for appreciated the packaging. The background is a scanned image of a pair of surf shorts.

I was wearing them one day while searching for general Polynesian designs on the internet, looked down at the shorts I was wearing and just loved the design. So we scanned it into photoshop and the rest is history.

Piper Methysticum

Let Kava Take The Wheel
I got the Super Epi and have had good results. I decided to consume the root since it's a fairly fine grind, used just enough water to make the consistency of paste and chewed the mixture a bit before swallowing. Felt it in both head and body, "it's good to be me" was one thought I had after consuming it. I did some searching on the web and the only noble strain from Epi Island (assuming of course it's a noble strain) I could locate is called Kelai, chemotype 423516 (source: http://www.ahpa.org/porta...ava_Special_Report.pdf). A quote from Kava--the Pacific Elixir says "Chemotype 426135 (which includes cultivar kelai from Epi) is famous throughout Vanuatu for its very pleasant effects."


Kava Enthusiast
Ok so I just downed some tana van from KT as it finally arrived. They have super products, but the service is sometimes hit or miss. However, they will more then take care of you if they do make a mistake.

as it kicks in I will review, 3 tbsps of root to some amount of water then taken internally by way of mouth (no rectal this time guys).

alright, the taste was meh, not strong just meh, it was a bit peppery on the aftertaste and the numbing effect was mediocre.

The buzz is starting to build I have the feeling that it won't blow me away, however, Im numb mentally, my mind is so calm right now, deep breaths are treat, my pain is gone, and I feel heavy. This is a really really nice kava, I like this better then the super van, It's such a nice mix between head and body I'm moderately euphoric, sedated and the anxiolysis is very strong. This is one kava that would be good for anxiety sufferers, some kavas are almost bad for anxiety, like tongan pride for example. I actually find the PK fijian not to hot for anxiety as the head rush is so strong, I was literally bent the first time I took it, my head was mush and I couldn't think straight, I was high.

This is a supreme kava, I had it before and thought it was similar to the one exceptional batch of VAN3 with a little waka flavor though. Too steal the rating system we all have come to know, it's a 9 in the body and 9 in the head.

This is a very good kava, very mellow and relaxing, not overpowering in any area but strong in all if that makes sense. Would highly recommend.


Kava Enthusiast
The tanna van from kt is really good guys, It's very nice body and head and has a generally numbing effect that just lasts. The fijian is stronger in the head no doubt, and it builds and builds. The super van is heavy to me, strong but just doesn't have enough to make it a top choice for me.